Chapter Five

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chapter 5 - july 4th & cake !

         Today was officially July 4th, Alfred's birthday. It's been a couple months with you spending time with everyone and you've grown accustomed to almost everything they do.

But you still can't get the taste of England's scones out of your mouth... you were sure enough that you were going to die from his cooking the other day. Luckily it didn't burn off your tongue.  

 So now, you were standing in front of Alfred's big house, waiting for someone to answer the door.

The party had started and hour ago, and you were definitely late.  However, no one opened the door, so you grumbled to yourself and opened the door yourself.

Once inside, you looked and saw a lot of nations partying their asses off.

When you walked through hallway, you finally saw the kitchen and walked into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen were only some nations you didn't really hang out with, talking with each other.

You looked at the counter and saw the most delicious thing on this earth. A big [favorite cake flavor] cake, waiting for you, calling out your name. 

Someone's arm slid over your shoulder, and you looked back to see Gilbert. "Hey, [f/n]! I vas vondering vhy you veren't here~" He smirked.

You rolled your eyes, and pried his arm off of you. You turned your attention back to the cake, but it was gone.

You stood there with shock written on your face.

You fell to your knees, crying for the delicious looking cake.

You heard Gilbert chuckling. Looking up, you can see what he was wearing. He had black ripped jeans, combat boots, a black t-shirt, and a blue and red plaid patterned square scarf around his neck.  You had to admit he looked pretty sexy in those clothes. . .

"[f/n], you might vanna get off zhe floor. People are starting to look." Gilbert said.

You sighed and stood up. You honestly didn't know what to do at parties, you've never really been to one before.

Out of nowhere, Gilbert quickly grabbed your hand without you realizing it until he stopped at his destination.

Both of you were in the backyard. You saw some people swimming in Alfred's swimming pool, others talking to each other, and you even saw someone grilling up some hamburgers and hot dogs.  

Your mouth drooled, because you were hungry.

However, Gilbert chuckled and it brought you out of your trance. Your head turned to look at him.

He looked back down, and blushed. "U-Uh vhy are you looking at me like that?" He stuttered.

 You looked away and blushed a deep red as well. "N-No reason.."

Suddenly you saw Alfred walking by, eating a ton of hamburgers. No surprise there.

You ran over to Alfred from behind and jumped on his back.

 He squealed a very manly squeal before looking behind him.

 "[f/n]! Dudette, you made it to the party!" He hugged you, and you hugged him back.

You both parted, and you pouted. "Alfred, how come you didn't invite me to your birthday party?"

His eyes widened. "I didn't invite you? But I was sure I did! I mean.. you're really here... right?" 

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "I am here because someone decided to wake me up at two in the morning!"

Alfred chuckled and patted your head. "Well, as long as you're here it's all going to go perfectly."

You removed his hand from your hair and cocked and eyebrow at him.

"It? What is it, Alfred?" You were clearly beyond paranoid. He kept laughing, and walked away into his house.

You stood there, angry. What was Alfred planning? He keeps laughing like a hyena and it is bothering me! I mean seriously, who laughs like a hyena?  

A couple of arms slid around your waist from behind and you squealed just like Alfred.

 A husky voice spoke into your ear, "It's almost time for Alfred to cut his cake. You vant to be there... vith that cake." 

The last part made all the sexual tension go away.

You glared looking up at Gilbert, and you pushed him off of you. You didn't want him to see your reddened face.

You heard Alfred yell from somewhere inside the house that he was starting to cut the cake. You hurriedly ran inside the house, and went into the kitchen to see Alfred start to eat the cake.

It was as if the whole thing was in slow motion.

 You saw Arthur and Francis arguing over stupid stuff, and suddenly Arthur flailed his arm and it hit Alfred in the face. Seeing Alfred's widened eyes and red cheek with smeared cake all over it, was the most funniest thing in the world.

Alfred glared at Arthur for a minute making Arthur's eyes widen also.

However, a minute later, Alfred smirked and leaned down towards Arthur.

"Arthur, since you made this mess, that means you'll have to clean this mess right?~"

Arthur gulped and nodded, trying to reach for the paper towels, but Alfred stopped him.

"Oh no, no, no. The paper towels just won't do. I want you to lick it off my face~" He cooed.

If you saw Arthur's face right now, it would put Romano's red tomatoes to shame. He was shaking slightly, but argued. "I-I'm not going to do t-that, you bloody git!"

Alfred chuckled, and spoke into Arthur's ear. Arthur eyes went wide and he quickly nodded before leaning into Alfred's face, licking off the frosting. 

If you were a fan of this pairing, you'd be dead by now. You stood there in shock not knowing what to do anymore.

They had ruined your precious cake, and was making fun of it by licking it off the other person. You were angry and stalked up to the cake on the counter.

You felt some eyes bore into your back as you picked up the cake hastily, and walked out of the room.

If they weren't going to eat the cake properly, might as well have it to myself!

to be continued. . .

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