Chapter Thirteen [Last Chapter]

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A/N: oml, i realized i haven't posted in so long and that so many wanted the last part. i'm sorry ya'll, i've been so busy with college but now i'm on winter break! if enough people ask for a book two, i might be willing to actually make one.

you can also contact me on my discord as that is where i am most of the time - Nakizama#2440.

chapter 13 - i love you too

          It had nearly been a day when you ran from Ludwig's house. You had to find the woman- but you didn't know how. You felt like complete and utter crap, not knowing what to do in this situation.

        It was nearly midnight, and you sighed, sitting on an empty park bench. You stared up at the sky and saw the endless stars that were scattered across the galaxy. It was a beautiful sight... you only wish that you could have done this together with Gil.

        "[f/n]," a raspy but malicious sounding voice uttered behind you. You instantly jumped and stood up to stare at the woman.

        "Y.. You..." You barely whispered out in fear.

        The woman smirked, crossing her arms. "So you really did leave him, huh? I guess it's time to send you back..." She started to walk towards you, causing you to walk backwards in fear.

        "Oh wait..." She paused, pursing her lips at me. "I change my mind. I have decided not to help you."

   You stood there in shock. "W-What?"

        She glared at you, and uncrossed her arms. "I'm saying I wasn't gonna let you live either way, stupid human bitch!" Her fangs and red eyes appeared then lunged straight at you.

        You screamed and closed your eyes waiting for everything to be over with. You couldn't defend yourself let alone do anything. However, you didn't feel any pain, so you opened your eyes. What you saw before you shocked you.

        Gilbert was in front of you, his back facing your way, fighting off the woman with a sword. 

        "Don't you dare fucking touch mein girl! You should have died that day!" The woman was surprised and yelped in pain when Gilbert pushed his sword through her heart.

        "G-Gilbert.." She said looking up at him, blood dripping out of her mouth, and then she went limp.

        Gilbert pulled his sword back, and looked towards you with an unreadable expression. He huffed, picking up his sword and putting it into his scabbard.

        He stalked towards you, and you were frightened because you remembered what you did to him. Leaving him... when he needed you the most.

        You closed your eyes again, waiting to be slapped or something, but you felt arms wrap around you. You gasped with eyes wide open, you felt tears starting to crawl down your cheeks as you pulled apart from him to look him in the eyes.

        "Gilbert... I'm sorry I left you, I shouldn't have, I'm so so stu-" He cut you off by kissing you fully on the lips.

        Yet again, you were in shock. You kissed him back, with all the emotion you kept bottling up inside for the past few weeks. It may sound desperate, but you did need Gilbert in your life. He was the only one who wouldn't leave your side no matter what, he believed in you when no one else did, and he... he showed you a love that was thought to only be told in fairy tales.

        He is everything that you didn't deserve and you knew that. You just wanted what was best for him, and you decided you weren't good enough without asking what he wanted. And what he wanted was you, all along. 

      Sure, he wasn't perfect and neither were you, but at least you two had each other.

        "I love you too, [f/n]."

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