Chapter Seven

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A/N: i know i havent uploaded in awhile... i kinda got busy and stuff. but hey im uploading now, and two chapters today which is great! im just trying to get my story from quotev onto here and edit it a little bit so that you wattpad users can enjoy this story!

i also have another hetalia story that i will start uploading soon and its america x reader ! thats all today, enjoy! ♡

chapter 7 - confession

        "Psst, hey [f/n]," You heard someone whisper in your ear as you were sleeping, and you woke up screaming.

        You looked beside you, glaring at Gilbert, who was chuckling. "That's not even funny, Gilbert!" 

        He smirked, and rubbed the back of his head, yawning. "Vhat the hell happened last night? Last thing I remember vis that I valked into a bar seeing this really hot chick..."

        You rolled your eyes, getting up and pushing past him.

        You didn't want to hear about a girl, especially from Gilbert. You admit it, you had a little crush on Gilbert, but nothing too serious.

        You sighed at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in your hands. You stared down at it for awhile, thinking. Thinking of what in the world was truly going on. You actually start thinking.... hard. 

        This universe... was truly creeping you out. Well, not exactly, considering how funny this whole situation was. Being stuck in some weird universe, where you're in your favorite anime of all time, yet you still want to figure out how you got here.

        You were thinking too hard, when you didn't notice the hand slipping up your thigh and squeezing it. You suddenly come back to reality, staring down at the hand on  your thigh and looking up to meet crimson red eyes and a devious smirk.

        "G-Gilbert.." You stammered, being completely flustered, a red blush covered your cheeks. 

        Gilbert's smirk got even wider, if it was possible. "[f/n], is something bothering you? I could possibly get it off your mind if you vant me too~" 

        You stared at him with wide eyes, then you gave an angry glare. "Move your hand from my thigh, Gilbert.." 

        He didn't move his hand from your thigh. In fact, he rubbed it, and you stared at him with shock because of the directness, then anger.

        You grabbed his hand, and slowly bended it backwards.

        He groaned out in pain and called out that he was going to stop. You chuckled and let him go, rubbing his own arm.

        He stared up at you and pouted. "It vasn't like I vas going to do anything serious, [f/n]..."

        You rolled your eyes, standing up, and turning around, leaving him in the kitchen. 

Jerk, why do I even like him again...

        You let out a 'hmph' and walk out of your bedroom. You walked downstairs, seeing Ludwig and Italy cuddling up on the couch.

        You gave an 'aww' and started thinking of the pairing. You loved their pairing a lot.

        You shook your head, groaning. Stop it, [f/n]. You're suppose to look for Gilbert!

        "Hey Ludwig, have you seen Gilbert around?" You asked, standing in front of them, blocking the television.

        Ludwig sighed, and pointed towards the back patio. You thanked him, and shut the door behind you as you walked outside.
        You instantly saw Gilbert. He was at the edge of the pool with his bathing suits on, with the rest of the Bad Touch Trio, plus Romano.

        You saw them and smiled, waving.

        They waved back you.

        "Hola, [f/n]! Thought you were never gonna come outside from the bird's nest!" Antonio chuckled.

        You glared at him for a second before putting your fake smile back on.

        "Ah, can I talk to you for a second, Gil?" 

Wait... when did I start calling him Gil? Shit! I'm already giving him a nickname!

        Gilbert chuckled at the cute nickname, and stood up, following you to the patio.

        "So vhat is it, babe?" He slid his arm around you, winking seductively.

        You instantly blushed, and looked away embarrassed. 

        "U-Um... I wanted to tell you something..." You muttered out, still looking away with a faint blush on your cheeks.

        Gilbert's eyebrow raised in curiousness. "Hm?" 

        You sighed, pushing him back, closing your eyes. Gilbert just stood there, still curious.

        Opening your eyes back up, you happened to stare into his eyes. 

        "[f/n]? [f/n]? Halloooo? You in there?" Gilbert snapped his fingers in front of your face, and you came back to reality again just like earlier.

        Then you blushed again, with a scarlet red.

        "G-Gilbert..." You looked down, still embarrassed. "I-I... I like you.."

        You stood looking down for a minute. You looked up to look at Gilbert, when he did nothing.

         Looking up, you see him standing there. It was as if he turned stone cold. 

        Fuck, I fucked up..  you thought.

        Until he suddenly wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight, nuzzling his head into your neck.

You blushed deeper, looking past his shoulder at a winking Frenchman. 

        You rolled your eyes, and let go of Gilbert. He stood there looking into your eyes, with a gentle smile.

        "I like you too, [f/n]."

        Ovaries are officially gone.

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