Untitled Part 1

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Hey guys!!!! I really hope you enjoy this story, I thought long an hard about this story. My friend helped me with this, so thank you to her! I recently had the desire to write something, due to just watching Avengers Infinity War, who else agrees it was awesome and was not ready for what happen!!! Anyway! Enjoy, and only leave nice comments please :) 

Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, sighed quietly as she looked down towards her golden threaded robe. She could almost feel her body re adjusting itself once more, as the plane landed on the ground. Hating the idea of being away form her beautiful country Egypt, she took a longly look towards her royal guards and advisors around her and smiled kindly towards them. A women with long light brown hair with blue green eyes, came towards her and placed her hand on Nefertiti's shoulder, " My Queen, we have arrived to Wakanda.. the King is outside waiting with the Dora Miljae. I think it would be wise to not keep them waiting, since this trip is strictly for making peace." As the women walked away and started ordering the others around.

Everyone on the plane, seemed to be in a buzz since the history with Wakanda has been so tense ever since ancient times. Nobody really knew what to make of this trip, besides trying to make peace and that this feud is far over do. Surprisedly, it was the newly appointed King of Wakanda, T'Challa's desire for peace with Egypt. He was the one to extend the olive branch so to speak. Therefore, which was why Queen Netfertiti was unsure about this trip. She desired for peace as well, for her country and her people. "Stop it with the nerves... this must be done..." she thought. Once as the plane door started to open, the women from earlier placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and spoke, " Make Egypt proud my Queen, we will be here for you... as your royal guards.. and as your people". After the women spoke, she raised her hand up and stated in a firm voice, "Formation royal guard." With that being said, six individuals all got into their required formation, two on the back, two on the left and the other two on the right of the queen. 

Once the royal guard positions themselves into their placements, they all walked down the steps of the palace and was greeted by King T'Challa. 

King T'Challa politely smiled at the Queen and her guards, himself and his guards bowed in respect. " Welcome to Wakanda your highness, we all have been anxiously awaiting your arrival in hopes of negotiating terms of peace with your powerful country". As he finished speaking his body shifted towards a tall women, " This is Okoye, she is my general for the Dora Miljae, she has informed me, she wishes to speak with your head of security...reguarding security and any future accommodations you may have." The women came over and had her eyes scan for whoever Queen's Nefertiti head of security was. 

The Queen's smiled back, and placed her hands towards her sided and bowed down to also show her respect to the humble King of Wakanda," Your words are ever so kind  towards my country, I myself, also agrees with the terms of peace. The tension between our great nations have gone on long enough. I know we will have much to discuss and I look forward to that." Her eyes directly looked towards T'Challa, the fabric of her clothes shimmered in the sun due to majority of her attire is threading with gold, she appeared almost god like. The queen turned towards the women from earlier. " This is the head of my security detail, Iris. Iris, will you please accommodate the generals wishes?". Iris just nodded and made her way forward towards Okoye to discuss the queens needs and other vital information to the stay in Wakanda. 

T'Challa started to walk towards his palace with his hand folded between his back and the Dora Miljae closely behind him. He made small talk with the queen, asking her about her flight and other things such as their schedule for the past few weeks. He knew the Queen would be asking multiple different questions regarding why Wakanda recently open themselves up and other things along those lines. 

Being interrupted from his thoughts, he took noticed of Okoye walking toward him with a stern facial expression, he raised an eyebrow at her almost afraid to ask what happen. But, from the look she gave him, it seemed she would explain later.

As for Iris, she walked back to Nefertiti with a smirk plastered on her face,"I have set everything up for you to have the most accommodating trip in the history of Wakanda. But, from the looks of it, T'Challa's general did not enjoy our demands." She said, but was quickly waved off from the Queen hand silencing her," Iris, you should respect them and not be difficult for the Wakandians.. they are allowing us to use their faculties." she said. Then gave T'Challa an apologetic glance, who seemed to just politely smiled and waved his hand, which basically meant no hard feelings. 

The King explained that the start of the peace arrangements, will take place within a few hours, and left to help advise and visit with the other tribal leaders who would be present during the meetings. Queen Netferiti and her royal guards used the extra time given to get settled in. 

Iris and her guards finished up bringing in their queens and everyone else's luggage. They put each individuals person's luggage then their owns rooms, Iris requested to be right next to Nefertiti, just in case. She gave the guards their orders, and night watch schedules. They must be  in eye sight of their queen at all time or almost near her. 

Nefertiti sat down on her huge bed, placing her golden threaded robe down. Running her fingers along the smooth fabric of the blanket, she chuckled," Heh, this feels like Egyptian cotton, how ironic." Then getting up from the bed and walked over towards the window, looking out towards the palaces landscape and further into the city, she couldn't help but think of the beauty of this nation and how much it changed over the centuries. Yes, she said centuries. Queen Nefertiti has been around for centuries, much like another god she knew, Thor Odinson. 

Leaning forward to press her hand on the window glass, flashbacks clouded her mind and mumbling ." I can only hope my childish ways from centuries ago, will not be remembered and hopefully...just hopefully the Wakandians do not have any memory of me. I rather not tell others of what I am." 

A sudden knock on the door interrupted her self reflection time," Come in." she said kindly. Her head of the royal guard came in, Iris. "M'Lady, the King T'Challa wishes to start the peace arrangements right now." 

The Queen nodded, and walked towards her bed to pick up her golden threading robe," Alright Iris, please lead the way." 

WOW!!!!! Who else is shocked at that first chapter? I surely am! I truly hope, it is up to everyones standards. Please be patience with me. I am really trying to make a good story, so please be kind to me. I know a lot doesn't make sense right now, but just please bare with me. I am open to comments, kind comments let me remind you :) Anyway, hoped you liked it! 

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