Untitled Part 2

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Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I got some good reviews from people! Which always makes a writer feel better. I hope you enjoy this chapter :) Again, no mean comments please. 

Iris leads Nefertiti towards T'Challas thrown room, which seemed to be about a five minute walk through the Palace. The Queen's jewelry and the rest of her attire made a jiggle noise throughout the hallway as it swayed back and forth with every step taken. This disturbion of noise made the majority of the Wakandians stop and stare. Interesting thing is, the Wakandians never saw such an exotic beauty before.

The Wakandians were taken back by all of the Egyptians attire, who clothed themselves in gold, with vibrant colors that made them appear dramatic and exotic. As Iris lead her Queen through the palace, they even walked pass a tall, muscular blonde haired man, who was companied by a shorter yet same sized man with dark long hair, and a dark scruff. They both seemed to nod their heads in respect to the Queen, knowing well enough who she was. Those men seemed to be leaving some time of training facility, because their hair seemed out of sorts with their foreheads and arms slightly glistening from sweat. 

The Queen nodded her head kindly back towards the polite men, she took notice that the tall blonde took a few extra seconds to stare at Iris, then quickly darted his eyes way. Nefertiti smirked, and made sure those men left before she said anything, slowly picking up her pace next to Iris," Seemed like you might receive from attention from that Blonde male." she said in a light yet firm manner. Iris kept looking straight ahead, seeming unfazed by the attention, even if it was just an extra spared glance from the male." My Queen, I do not have any desire to make attachments on this trip. I am here to serve you and you alone, not to flirt with that attractive ma-,"she almost finished her sentence before being cut off by her Queen's teasing tone" Ahh, so you think he is attractive, clearly he thought the same from the extra glances."

Iris just shook her head, trying to control herself from smiling. She would have smiled and gave slight banter back toward her queen if they weren't in such unfamiliar territory. But, since they are in a unfamiliar territory, she is choosing to strictly follow her job. 

Once arriving towards the large vibranium doors, with Wakandians designs carved across it, there were two guards with their large weapons on each side of the door. They saw the visitors and then opened the door's, as both women walked forward T'Challa and the multiple leaders of the tribes within Wakanda. 

T'Challa rose from his seat, his traditional Wakandian royal attire made him look like a graceful King. His voiced boomed with authority as he spoke," Welcome Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, we are here today to discuss the centuries old feud between our nations. With your advisors and mine present, we will mend what is broken and hopefully make a friendship with one another."Once he finished his speech, he sat back down along with his fellow tribal leaders/advisors and motioned the Queen and her people to take a seat. 

Queen Nefertiti sat up straight and perched her lips and eyes directly towards T'Challa, she started to speak," Thank you for that speech King T'Challa of Wakanda, I as well look forward to become allies and forget our feud from our counties pasts.

Everyone watched as Queen Nefertiti spoke, then one of the servants come up from beside T'Challa and whispered something within his ear and handed him something. This did not go unnoticed by the Queen, she raised an eyebrow and almost spoke, until she was cutoff. 

"My King, are those the Wakandians records from our early Kings?" One of the tribal leaders spoke, who had vibrant green Wakandian designs on his attired and with multiple piercings along his face. The King nodded his head, then un scrolled the ancient Wakandain scroll from his past ancestors. "This will explain what happen on our side of the story, and I assume you have similar records to demonstrate your portion of the story?" 

Iris was handed by one of the Queens advisors one large scroll, with a golden seal that was shaped like a sphinx that was used for protection. After receiving the scroll, she walked over towards Nefertiti and handed to her," My Queen."

Nefertiti glanced up towards Iris and took it from her hands, looking down at the scroll she hovered her finger tips over the seal. Swiftly she reached towards her left index finger, which held the place of a ring that was used to be a key to open this ancient text. As she placed the ring on the golden seal, it unlocked and the scroll slowly unraveled. Tracing the old ink work from ancient times, she remembered as if it was yesterday when she wrote in this scroll. 

Quickly being disrupted from her memories of the past, she heard T'Challa clear his throat to have the attention directed towards him," My assumptions were correct, now lets beginning discussing what took place and then try to fix the ancient feud." 

From what it seemed like hours for everyone within the room, they discussed both sided of the feud. Both nations voiced their ancestors disagreements, that started the feud. For the Wakandians, they felt disrespected and betrayed by the Egyptians. You see, they wanted an arrange marriage with the Queen of Egypt during this time. But, the Egyptians refused to accept the terms and the Queen never wanted to be forced into marriage. Regarding the Egyptians side of things, they felt pressured by the Wakandians into this arrange marriage. They wanted to keep the Wakandians as their ally due to their access of Vibranium, but not this way. Since the Queen tried to find other alternatives beside marriage, such as offering them riches and military aid. But, the Wakandians refused any other alternative besides the Queens hand in marriage. Ever since then, both countries have been in disagreement. 

The Queen felt as if she was reliving this whole scenario once again, which wasn't all that entertaining. Oh how she disliked the early kings of Wakanda, they were distasteful, rude and only wanted more power. They already had more than enough power from having the Black Panther as their guardian and the strongest metal within the world. But, she knew by  swallowing  her pride, and admitted her wrongs of the past would be the only way towards peace. "King T'Challa, I understand how the Queen during this time, might have came across as disrespectful but, I implore you all otherwise. In that being said, I myself.. Queen Nefertiti of Egypt apologize for what happen during ancient times.

After hearing the diplomatic and humble apology from Nefertiti, mummers started to take place within the room from T'Challa's advisors, they did not expect her to be so forth coming and apologetic. It almost seemed, like she learned from her ancestors mistakes or from the past. Which was intriguing to T'Challa, who sat there staring directly at Nefertiti with a smile forming. " The nation of Wakanda accepts your apology, and I myself also apologize for our demands and negative attitudes directed towards your ancestors." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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