Miki x Strea ♡ The Journal

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Miki hummed a tune to herself, writing away passionately in her journal. She couldn't wait to recount all the events of today.

Susumu is so...frustrating. Why is he so negative? I don't understand why he always fails to see the bright side in everything... He acts like life is only lived to cause more pain and dread for when you die!

Miki wrote the woes of her heart away with each stroke of her pen, her smooth, flawless handwriting taking up pages and pages of blank space. She didn't move or blink as her prose embodied the empty canvas. She did the same as she swapped journals. Each stroke seemed to come from her heart and soul, and there was something wistful about it. One watching her would be in awe of her determination and graceful prose. 

However, once an admirer did come about, she quickly closed her journal. The figure standing at the door raised an eyebrow. It was Strea Traw, her roommate. She smiled innocently, her cheeks slightly pink now.

"Oh, um, Strea! It's great to see you!" She seemed bashful, suddenly hyperaware of all that she'd written. After all, she had just surrendered her secret to the journal. She held it in her lap, pen jutting out slightly. Her other journal lay on the table, exposed. Strea eyed the one on her lap suspiciously. She'd never seen her writing before. Then again, they'd only just met not too long ago.

"Hey, Miki. I see you were busy." She uses her chin to gesture towards the journal, making Miki blush lightly and turn away.

"I-It's nothing, really. Just a...diary, kind of? I dunno." She pouts lightly as she thinks. She begins to space out, causing Strea to wave.

"Miki? Hello?" She approached her roommate who seemed to be deep in thought. She snapped her fingers. "Miki!"

Miki snapped out of it, jumping. She looked Strea in the eyes shyly.

"Huh? Uh, sorry, Strea... I guess I zoned out again." The adorable gleam of her eyes caused Strea to cross her arms and look away, a blush of her own forming on her face.

"I-It's whatever. Pay more attention to your surroundings next time, idiot!" Miki nodded, eyes downcast. Strea clears her throat, causing the fragile girl to look up at her again.

"Anyways, I came because I wanted to go on a picnic with you." The blue-haired girl eyed her curiously, as if wanting further elaboration. "I-It's just annoying that we've been roommates for a while and we haven't really hung out much, so don't get the wrong idea!" Strea looked away, feigning convincing annoyance.

Miki's eyes widened, sparkling with joy. She seemed surprised. Her previously pink cheeks had now turned to a rosy red hue.

"Well, I-I'd love to go! Here, let me get ready." Miki jolted up, opening their shared closet and pulling out some things. She seemed to have forgotten about her journal, as it now remained on her chair. Strea eyed it suspiciously.

Once Miki turned, Strea's eyes averted back to Miki. She seemed to be quite happy with the situation.

"Okay, um, give me a second to change!" She went off into the bathroom.

Strea gathered her own clothes, deciding she might as well change out here. As she did, she couldn't help but constantly eye the ominous-looking journal. The fact that it was closed didn't make it any less suspicious. It looked sweet and wholesome enough—it was Miki's, anyway, so why wouldn't it be? The desire to pick it up and examine its contents was at large, so Strea pushed it to the back of her mind. She didn't want to upset her roommate or prod into matters that didn't concern her.

Admittedly, she had become fond of the girl despite the fact that they'd only known each other for nearly a month. She had to confess to herself that she'd stared at her a moment longer than necessary when passing by and that she'd suddenly become strangely flustered around her, often provoking her sharp tongue.

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