Haku x So ♡ Tips Jar

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It was another one of those slow days at the Moonbucks So worked at. During these times, So's eyelids felt heavier than usual, and he began to anticipate his break sooner than usual so that he could drink some coffee in the backroom. Right now, however, all he could do was stare at the door in hopes that some customer would waltz in and order something.

As the minutes passed by dozens and nobody seemed to come into the quiet shop, So found his gaze wandering outside the window to his left.

Across the street was the smoothie shop, Fruity Smoothie, busier than ever. It was a cruel juxtaposition to Moonbucks' current state. Then again, he can't really judge seeing that it's already summertime. Who would even want to drink coffee during the summer? Only So, apparently.

As So stared at the chatty customers in Fruity Smoothie, he noticed a familiar face. A raven-haired boy with glasses and a black cat hat. It was the boy who shared the same morning shift as So, who walked down the opposite side of the street every morning at the same time that So was heading to Moonbucks. The ravenette, however, worked at Fruity Smoothie.

So never really cared to strike up a conversation with him because that was just his nature. He only cared to speak to customers because his entire salary depended on it. Either way, what would he even say? It's not like anybody jumped at the opportunity to talk to their employer's rival's employee.

To So's surprise, the boy turned and caught him staring. Clad in his Fruity Smoothie apron, the boy snickered and a Cheshire cat-like grin spread across his face. So quickly tore his eyes away, not wanting to seem interested. Unfortunately, it was already too late for that.

When So glanced at the clock, he was grateful to see that it was break time. He shuffled away from the counter and to the employee break room, knocking on the already-open door. His coworker, Inase, had been laying on the couch upside-down, tapping away on his phone and giggling. He was likely playing that cat-collecting game he always rambled about. So didn't care about the name, as he always tuned him out whenever he even remotely mentioned any kind of feline. He only spoke to him out of obligation when it was time to switch shifts.

"It's time for my break," said So, approaching the white-haired furry, "please move."

Unfortunately, there was only one couch that was comfortable here, and Inase was taking up all the space. He shushes So, holding up a finger.

"Hold on a second, will ya? I'm so close...!!" So has no idea what he's talking about, as per usual, but he waits patiently.

He walks over to the coffee pot and pours himself some freshly-brewed coffee Inase seemingly made. He leaves it black and walks back over to the couch Inase's on. As So continues staring at him, he finally gets the message. He grumbles something about "Speckles" and finally leaves the room.

So plops down on the couch, finally able to relax. But no, he is absolutely not going to sleep right now. He refuses to. So, he'll just continue drinking his coffee until his break is over.

✧・゚: ✧・゚・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚・゚✧:・゚✧

The next day, So sleepily walks the same path as always to Moonbucks. Across the street is, of course, the Fruity Smoothie boy. So could definitely feel his gaze, but So doesn't turn or even give the slightest hint that he acknowledges his presence. Instead, he continues sipping the coffee he made at home.

He had to make it with his old coffee brewer because his coffee machine mysteriously disappeared overnight.

When So reaches Moonbucks, he turns and enters without so much as sparing a glance in the Fruity Smoothie boy's direction. He clocks in then goes to his usual spot behind the register. Inase hadn't arrived yet, it seemed. He didn't hear him making a ruckus like he usually did in the mornings, meaning he must be running late. Again.

As the day went on, Inase came and with him a few customers here and there. It was yet another slow day, it seemed. Fruity Smoothie was as busy as always around this time, of course. So didn't really have much to do, just helping Inase clean whenever he didn't have any customers to tend to. The slow days were boring, sure, but at least it made his job much less stressful.

When the familiar door-opening chime rang, So made his way back to his previous spot. He didn't try to hide his sleepiness, though either way, it showed because of the bags under his eyes. He kept his usual neutral expression as he faced the customer, but his expression quickly changed to surprise when he saw who it was.

"Oh... It's you," So spoke monotonously to the Fruity Smoothie boy, who only grinned in reply.

"May I take your order?" He's actually required to ask this, unfortunately, though he knows the chances of this interaction ending in an actual order are slim.

"Bold of you to assume I came here to order anything." The boy responded, leaning against the counter. So purses his lips. He figured.

"Well, I am unsure if you know this, but some people have to do their job. I know you likely won't order anything, I'm just required to ask because you're technically a customer," So retorts, still monotonous, "Shouldn't you be working right now?"

The boy feigns hurt, letting out a dramatic, wounded gasp. "Ouch! Here I was, hoping to talk to you as a fellow slave to the evil that is minimum wage, and you just had to remind me that I have actual responsibilities. It's ironic—you're cold for a coffee shop employee." So actually has no common sense, so he's unable to detect his blatant sarcasm.

"Is that all you had to say? If so, you can leave." The Fruity Smoothie boy is quick to straighten, all the fake hurt dissolving immediately.

"Wait, wait, I actually did come here to order, I promise!" So waits for him to continue, unamused.

"I came here to order..." the boy's grin returns, "...your phone number!"

So immediately starts walking away.

"Wait!!" The boy continues chasing after the exasperated So. Chances are he's as bored as So is every time the store is empty.

"Don't you at least want to hear my actual order? You're criticizing me for not doing my job but you just walked away from a customer!" So stops in place, acknowledging that he's actually right. With a loud sigh, he turns to face him again. He looks even more tired than before, somehow.

"What will it be today, sir?"

"Oh, is this roleplay now? That's completely fine with me, I'm pretty much down for anything!" So looks like he's on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

"I'm kiiiidding, I'm kiiidding, I promise!" So just stares at him again, waiting for whatever his order will be. The boy pouts.

"You're not fun, coffee boy. Anyway, I just want water." So puts in the order and prints out the receipt, handing it to the boy so he can sign it. He has a feeling he knows what he's going to write, and the sly grin on his face as he takes a pen only confirms it.

In the meantime, he goes to take a water bottle out of the fridge in the corner. When he returns, he gives it to the boy and takes the receipt.

"Have a nice day." His monotonous voice seems a little strained.

"Will do! Come visit sometime, 'kay?" With a wink and a tip of his cat hat, the weird boy is gone. So doesn't reply. Instead, he looks at the receipt.

the name's haku by the way. come visit me when you're on your break :3

There was a little drawing underneath, depicting Haku in his uniform, winking with a little heart beside it. So then spots an arrow with the words "flip" beside it. He flips the receipt, then reads the extra note Haku left.

P.S. you should be more vigilant! someone stole the tip jar while you were looking away. i have no idea who it is though, didn't see 'em!! ;33

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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