Rita x Morgoth ♡ Wake Up

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so, i actually wrote this because of a prompt for a mini writing challenge, fun fact. bet you thought this book was dead :^)


You are a character from a reoccurring dream. You have only days to convince the dreamer that they're seeing the future.


It had been the same dream for two years. It was inexplicable, starting when he was 20 years old. The dreams began when he had joined King Tech as a high-ranking researcher tasked with the project of finding the cure for the Stained alongside his team. At first, Morgoth had shrugged it off as wild fever dreams as a result of the unfortunate series of events throughout this past decade. It hadn't become suspicious to him until he reached 21, and now, 22. Today was his birthday, and the dreams still hadn't stopped.

The dream wasn't any normal dream for a number of reasons. It felt so real that he was unable to lucid dream despite knowing the dream was a looming threat the moment he laid his head against his pillow. It was as if he was reliving a memory rather than dreaming. He couldn't explain the phenomenon. At first, he would have woken up panting and sweating, terrified for what he'd seen. Now, he's grown used to the terrors that plague him restlessly.

The only thing that gave him hope was the girl that had been in the very same dream. Every dream, they would meet in another way. She was the only exception to the otherwise linear order of events. She would always surprise him in a new way, offer her advice and friendship every time without fail. She was the only hope he had of overcoming his dreams; he felt that she had the answers to what was happening to him. And yet, he had no idea who she was. Her name would slip away every time he came into contact with the conscious world anew.

And thus fell nighttime. He knew what was to come the moment the sun rose, but he didn't fear it anymore. The dread and anxiety were ever so present, but he knew he had to confront these nonsensical dreams if he wanted answers. Objectively, the dreams could be much worse. He could relive his parents' death over and over again if his subconscious wanted, yet for some reason, it chose to allow him to see the same scene playing over and over and over. But... why?

As he mulled it over, he let out a gentle exhale. Before he knew it, he had slipped into the trap his bed had laid out for him.

The world was the same. It was as if he wasn't even asleep at all. It always felt the same at first, as Morgoth was going through the day's tasks for his job. Today, his manager sent him off to the nearest store to buy some coffee beans. He obviously couldn't disobey his superior despite how off topic the request the request seemed. He swallows his pride, deciding that he'd rather get paid than fired today. He lets out a sigh as he pushes past the front doors of King Tech, allowing himself one last glance at the building.

As he strolled through the streets, they were bustling with noise from screeching toddlers and stressed businessmen alike. He attempted to pay no mind to it, finding relief in the fact that he had reached the nearest coffee shop in less than fifteen minutes. He enters the cozy shop, instantly making his way towards the busy line. It doesn't take long for the line to move along, luckily for him. There were many people in the shop, though most had already been seated or were on their way out. He takes in the smell of fresh pastries and brewing coffee fondly. It's a pleasant and homely scent that takes him back.

As he reminisces, something slips from the skirt of the woman in front of him. It's a notebook. She doesn't seem to notice as it falls, opening to a random page. The woman is too preoccupied analyzing the menu thoroughly, squinting as if there's some type of cryptic code hidden in it. Morgoth instantly notices the accident, raising an eyebrow in surprise. When he gazes at the contents, it's a beautiful watercolor painting of a little girl surrounded by a flower garden. The scene is so vivid that he feels temporarily transported to the very same spot. He can't see her face, but with one quick side-by-side comparison, he can tell that it's meant to be the woman as a small girl.

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