Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I open my eyes and look at the surroundings.

Where the hell am i?

I am lying on a huge waterbed and a huge white bedroom.

What the hell? Why does my head hurts so bad?

Shouldn't I supposed to be wandering around the streets and grow old and die there?

Am I in heaven? Did that creepy biker guy killed me? Oh god, did he? No of course not. Why the hell am I still breathing then.

But where am I?

I get down from the bed and open the door. The toilet, wrong door. But the toilet is so, gosh, can I say beautiful? The toilet? Beautiful? Yeah.

Then, I open then other door. Wow, there's a lot of rooms and there's a stairs.

Am I in a hotel? A five star hotel?

I go downstairs, but doesn't even look like a hotel. There's a living room. A huge living room and there's a swimming pool as big as a house.

Where the hell am I?

Then I stare at myself at the big mirror. My god, I look disgusting. Why are there eyebags? What is that thing behind me?

Shit, it's not a thing, its a person. I think it's that creepy guy that wanted to kill me. This time he isn't wearing helmet.

I slowly turn around to see his face. I wanted to see his face before he kill me. Wait, is he going to kill me? Of course. But why didnt he kill me in my sleep? That would be a lot easier. I wont feel the pain.

Then, I face him and meet his piercing green eyes.

Gosh, he looks familiar. I squint my eyes to take a proper look.

Oh My God..... it's.... it's....

I can't breath. I can't hardly believe it!

It's Blake Knight. Rock god, sex, drugs, alcoholic, girls...

No way, am I in his house? How can I be so stupid. Of course this is a bloody house not a frigging hotel. And its Blake's house. The Blake Knight.

I can't breath for a moment. Calm down, take a deep breath.

There he was. The Blake Knight. Smirking at me, half naked with his wet swimming pants. He just came back from the pool.

God, his torso.... his hot body... I am melting.

Why am I melting, anyway? So what if he's a rock god? Its not like I'm a biggest fan of him.

I used to diss him while my ex-roomate, Carly, is over the top obsessed with Blake Knight.

I wonder what Carly would say about this.

Blake Knight raises an eyebrow, "Chick, you know you should stop checking me out"

I opened my mouth to speak. Nothing come out.

"Dianna right?" he asked. I nodded. Wait, how the hell did he know my name. Oh.. I forgot. me, the idiot, told him.

"Blake Knight...." Is the only word I manage breathe it out. He laughed loudly.

Is he Blake Knight or not?

"Are you a biggest fan-fuck of me?" he asked me.

I answered him truthfully, "Not, really. Not so keen on your music," Why the hell did I say that? I mentally slap myself.

He gave me his famous smile.

"Good then, I don't want a clingy staff" he said. Staff?

"Since you dont have a place to live, you" he point his finger to me, "Can live here"

"Really?" I gasp. I'm staying in Blake Knight's, no.. house seems wrong, not cool. Yes, mansion.

He laughed again.

"Yes, but in one condition"

Not able to breathe out a word, I nodded.

He raises an eyebrow "You, Dianna. Have to work for me?"

Work for him? work for him? What am I supposed to do? Oh god no......... no,no,no

"You mean be your.... sell my body to you! No" I exclaimed "I'm out of here, where's the exit! I am not that type of girl,"

I turn around to find a way to get out of here.

He grabbed my wrist and frown.

"I havent finished talking yet, you know"

I stared at his eyes.... so beautiful. So green.

"Be my maid, that's all"

A maid? Oh, sure. That's easy. I tought well, be a mistress or something, because he is Blake Knight. He is knowned for sex. A sex god, drug addict, alcohol abuse and went to rehab loads of times.

"Your maid?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, my maid. Just clean up this house and all, isn't that easy?"

A maid? Of course. That is easy. You still got to live in the mansion.

"Okay" I nodded.

"Cool, bitch" He smiled at me "Now make me lunch, and then clean up"

He showed me the kitchen.

"What's your last name, babe?"

I answered "Peterson"

"Cool, Peterson" he winked.

I asked him "Should I call you Mr. Knight or boss or something? Since im your employee?"

He smile at me genuinely "Blake would do." and walk away.

So, I started with the cooking.

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