Chapter 1 ~Caught in the Rain~

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The rain pours down on the lone standing cabin in the dark woods. Alone stands a young man at the door of the cabin, no younger than seventeen. His white hair stuck to his head now soaked from the rain. Small dots that represent freckles are scattered across his small framed face. He stood at a short height for his age, reaching only five foot eight or so. He wears loose baggy clothes that obviously didn’t originally belong to him. His shirt was a forest green, the neck was large on him and the sleeves reached pasted his elbows. He also wears a simple black pair of pants and light brown boots now dart from the muddy trail in the forest he had just came from. In his arms he carries several books bound in leather of different sizes and colors. The boy knocks on the door, patiently waiting for an answer. His elf like ears twitch when they hear moment coming from behind the door. Soon it opens to reveal a much taller male, reaching roughly six feet tall. He wears clothes similar to the shorter of the two. Except his shirt fits him better than the baggy clothes of the smaller one. His black bangs were messily pulled back by a small clip, revealing his ears that appeared just like the white haired male. His eyes were a bright gold and much more vibrant than the light blue eyes of the smaller one. The shorter male's eyes look up to the others in a sort of pleading manner, begging to be let inside. Once the black haired male realized who was in front of him he grabs the boy and pulls him into the cabin.

“Fawn! What are you doing out in the rain like that?! You could catch a cold like that you know!” The black haired male said leading the shorter one through the home.

“Daedor! I told you not to call me that- where are you talking me?”

“To your room to get you a change of clothes. That’s what! Where
were you? I thought you said you were practicing your archery in the woods. You know how scared I was when I couldn’t find you? I thought you got caught!” Daedor ranted to the boy as he pushed him into his small room in the cabin.

The room was indeed quite small, holding only a few pieces of furniture. Such as a bed that was pushed up against the far wall near the window, a bookshelf in the right hand corner, and several woven baskets that scattered the room. The young white haired boy sat down on his bed. Placing his heavy load of books beside him as he watched the other surcharge through the many backers in the room.

“Nodir, which basket has your clean clothes in it?”

“The corner by the bookshelf, the one colored green.” Nodir replied, raising his arm and pointing towards the basket beside the bookshelf. Daedor went to the basket, grabbing a random shirt and pair of pants and threw them at the boy. Not so luckily Nodir wasn’t quick enough and was hit in the face by the clothing.

“T-thanks,” He stammers out.

“Now change into those while I grab you a towel. When your done come to the front room, dinner is almost ready.”

“Alright…” the boy replied as the taller one left the room, and just as he was about to close the door Nodir speaks up.

“Thank you! I’m sorry for worrying you. I know I can be a pain sometimes but I’m thankful that you're still here to take care of me.” Daedor stops and turns to the boy, a shadow of a smile on his face.

“Of course! It’s no big deal. That’s what brothers are for. To look out for each other, right?”

“So, what was with all those books you had when you got home? Went to the market today?” Daedor said scooping up another spoonful of broth and taking a sip.

“O-oh yea, I did….. d-don’t worry about it though. I had the charm that covered my ears. A-and everything I got was from my own money n-not the house fund I s-swe-“

“It’s alright Nodir, as long as your ears were covered that’s all I care about, I trust you. But,” Daedor looked to the hall where the bedrooms were with a bit of concern. “are you sure you have the room for those books, your shelf is overflowing.”

“I've got the space… well i'm sure i do.” He whispered the last part. It was true, the bookshelf was indeed overflowing with books of all kinds. The mas majority of these books were in fact spell books that Nodir had found abandoned in the forest and in old forgotten homes. Most likely that used to belong to someone who possessed magic. Nodir has a knack for these kind of things. He would normally be found in many small places around the home reading and practicing his spells, constantly trying to perfect his craft rather than perfect his archery skills that his brother so desperately tries to get him to learn.

“It's been awhile since I’ve visited the marketplace myself. We do need to get some much needed food, last i checked we were running a bit low on seasoning for the broth. I also need my sword sharpened, its gotten dull because of all the hunting i had to do this past month. Oh Merlin’s sake I hate the winter.”

Nodir smiled and looked up from his bowl, “You could say that again.”


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