Chapter 4 ~ Prisoner in His New Home~

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Slowly all the women in the room turn around, each of them glaring at the boy in the back. All eyes were on him, and in that moment he felt a spark of pain in his ears. The spell was wearing off. Had it really already been 3 hours? He had to get out of there now, but how could he with everyone watching? The shall, the one that lays across his shoulders. The thing that Daedor insisted on him added to the outfit. Thank Merlin for that cause he can now cover his ears. Which he does, lifting the shall over his head successfully hiding his ears and now red face.

"Miss, would you please join us?" said the announcer as he gestures for him to go up the stairs to him and the prince. Slightly shaking his head in agreement Nodir makes his way through the crowd of women to then stairs. Flashback from just the past week were his brother was leading him through the crowd at the marketplace pop into his head. Where he watched as that innocent Valkyrie was executed. He finally reached the stairs, turning his head to the right to look being him. Now he wished he hadn't because all the women behind him were scowling all their faces were the most frightening thing he's ever seen, he would be surprised if those faces would haunt him for weeks. But now wasn't the time for that. He turned his head back and looked up the stairs to be meat with piercing green eyes that belonged to the prince. He was smiling, anxiously waiting for his bride to join him. With a sigh Nodir continues his track, making his way slowly up the stairs watching his feet. He didn't dare look up, which ended up with him running into the Prince. His head shot up to be meet with a smiling face.

"Why hello there." He greeted.

"Oh-um i-i uh. Hi." Nodir mustered out.

"Thank you all for coming!" boomed the announcer, which caused Nodir to jump a little. His nerves were all on end and the yelling of this man really didn't help. "We hope to see you all again soon when the decision is made. Until then we shall bid our farewells. Once again our greatest thanks for coming!" Once the man was finished talking the women slowly but surely made their way out of the castle. Leaving in the carriages to return home. It wasn't long till the room was empty, all was left was the Prince and Nodir. The announcer having left when the women were filling out. Nodir was lost in thought when a cough brought him back to reality. He turned to see that he was still in the Prince's arms.

"Oh!" he jumped back taking a few steps away from the man. "I-im so sorry. I d-didn't - i-it's just-!" Nodir's stuttering spree was interrupted.

"Hey. Calm down it alright. I know you must be a bit shaken up. I'm sorry to have startled you."

"You didn't startle me. It's just... it's just that-"

"I'm the Prince?" He said raising a brow knowing exactly the answer anyway.


"Please don't be intimated. I know it's a lot to take in but please. Just, think of me as any other human being. Being totally serious I'm nothing special, 'Prince' is just a title."

"Oh, um, alright." Nodir's thoughts were swarming, red flags everywhere. Just another human being? That just makes things worse! What's going to happen now? Oh Merlin I'm going to be stuck here! I need to get to Deador! Almost as if reading his mind the Prince speaks up again.

"You must be exhausted, here let me show you to your room then you'll be able to rest for the night." He takes his hand leading the boy throughout the castle to his new room. While walking Nodir couldn't help but wonder aloud to the Prince.

"So, um, your majesty, I'm going to be staying here for a week to be evaluated? What about my family?"

"Please, just call me Folen and yes you will be staying here. You will learn what it takes to be the queen and on the final day you will be tested. My father, the king, will be the one to have the final say so on whether or not you'll become queen. As for your family the invitation should have stated what would happen if chosen. Besides, if they don't figure out by now they will tomorrow when it's announced in the town square."

"But, your- I mean Folen, my brother and I don't live in the village. We only come and go when needed. I'm afraid he won't find out. Is there another way?" Nodir's voice was laced with worry. He didn't want his brother to think he was caught. He wanted to tell him he was fine.

"Well, I could have word sent to your home via royal guard." Royal Guard? Oh no, of the Royal Guard were to show up at their doorstep and see Deador he would surely be killed, and himself likely along with him.

"Oh, no. My brothers not really one for confrontation. Is there another way? Maybe, of I could tell him face to face somehow? Maybe return home for a few hours and come back?" The perfect plan! Not only a way to tell his brother what happened but also escape this and not have to stay here. All he needed was Folen's approval. But that all went down the drain when he watched as Folen shook his head.

"I'm sorry, we can't do that. Your schedule for the next upcoming week is too busy. The free time you will have won't be enough to leave the castle and return. It's probably best that we leave it for him to figure on his own then. But that is not my choice."

Nodir's head dropped, his brother would have to be left in the dark. Suddenly Folen stopped walking. Only for Nodir to run into his back. His head shot up only to be met with Folen's smiling face.

"We've arrived."

Folen jesters to a door infront of him. It was a light colored wooden door. It's handle had a beautiful golden finish that swirled into beautiful little patterns. A hand landed on his shoulder making him jump and turn his head.

"Go ahead, this is your room after all." He said with a smile.


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