Chapter 5 ~The Room~

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Nodir takes a step forward, slowly opening the door to reveal a beautiful room. The room was a timed with a light cream white. Hints of light blue scattered the wallpaper and carpet. Along with the chairs and bed which respectively, had the cream fram and light blue cushions and blankets. The bed had a canopy top, white sheets draped at the corners and meet at the bottom that was tied together. The room was beautiful, perfect even, almost as if it were made just for him.

Nodir steps into the room, taking it all in as he admires the room. Behind him stood Folen at the doorway, smiling, glad the room was to the others liking.

"It's getting late now, i shall leave you to your rest. A maid will be here shortly to get you your nightgown. It's time for me to leave now," he bows, "i bid you goodnight." With that Folen rises and begins to take his leave only to to stopped.

"Thank you, Folen." Nodir says, Turning his head to the side and grabbing ahold of the shaw that still lays atop his white hair.

With a smile Folen replies, "My pleasure."

With that he left. Leaving Nodir alone with his thoughts. Immediately he hurries to close the door. Once shut he throws off the shaw onto the bed. His hands shoot up to his ears, feeling the curves and bends of his pointed ears. Then, right on cue, pain shot through the boys head. He closed his eyes tight as the pain ran through his head. Taking a seat on a nearby stool as he held his head in his hands. This was his payback for his magic, as you see in this world all magic comes with a price and the price for this kind of magic was always some kind of physical pain. Depending on where the magic was used that is, and because he used it on his head the pain he felt surged through his head. It felt as though his head was on the verge of exploding. Slowly the pain died away leaving behind a extremely exhausted elf boy. He needed sleep, after all that happened he pretty much deserved it.

The boy stretched his arms out removing the jewelry around his neck and the ring on his finger, twiddling it between his fingers smiling. It was a small white steal ring with single small opal stone in the center of it. Inside of the ring was scribed a small message written in an old elfin language, almost forgotten by the few who still live today. But luckily, thanks to the help from his brother who learned the language long ago, he was able to read it himself. 'For the maiden of my dreams,' was what it said. The ring itself was his mother's wedding ring, the one hand crafted by his father just for her. Sadly Nodir had never met his mother or father before, for they had both passed away in the fighting caused by the humans taking over. They were both taken from him before he could have been old enough to remember them. Daedor had to raise him all by himself. which had been hard on him for being as young as he was when the responsibility was placed upon him. But he made it through, raising Nodir to be who he was today.

A frown made its way on Nodir face, but not one of sadness, for he was worried. There was no way for his brother to know what had happened to him. Daedor was now left in the dark and there was no way to get back to him.

Nodir was ripped from his thoughts as knocking was heard from the door. The loudness for it made his ears twitch.

"Hello? Miss? Can I come in?" A feminine voice said from the other side.

Nodir threw his hand up to slap his head, he had forgotten about how a maid was meant to come. He quickly places down his necklace and ring on the table beside him, tossing off the flower crown as well. He got up dashing to the bed to grab the shaw to cover his head once again. Once covered he sat on the bed and responded to the voice.

"C-come in," he could help but stumble over his words a bit. Close call like this one weren't what he wanted to worry about at this time.

The door opens slowly to reveal a young girl carrying a tray of food and a white nightgown over her shoulder. She smiles to Nodir as she places the try down on the tab where his accessories now lay. She pulls the gown off her shoulder and turned to the boy.

"Hello! My name's Sapphire and I'm going to be your personal maid. I'm here to help you get dressed in the mornings and nights. I'll also be bringing you morning tea and such. I will also be accompanying you throughout the day to aid you in whatever I can." The girl smiled, her long black hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail behind her head. A few strands fall across her face which was covered in dark freckles that stood out against her light skin and deep rich blue eyes. No wonder her name was Sapphire, for her eyes looked just like ones . They shine brightly in anticipation. Her attire was simple, a long light gray dress covered by an apron that donned the Royal Crest. She raised the nightgown in front of her. "This will be your nightgown, i can help you dress if you'd like."

"O-oh, um no. I'm fine, I can dress myself but thanks for the offer." Nodir said dropping his head down, a light pink now cover it. He can't let her dress him, if something like that happened he'd for certain be found out. Besides, the thought was embarrassing either way. The girl only smiled walking over and placing the gown on the bed.

"Well, that's fine, I understand. But before I take my leave, may I ask your name miss?"

"N-nodir, my names Nodir."

"Well then, goodnight Miss Nodir."

"Goodnight," The boy watches as the girl leave. She closes the door silently leaving the boy once again to his thought.

With a sigh Nodir throws off the Shaw ancestor again. It lands on the floor in a heap. He stands up, quickly undressing and slipping on the nightgown. The dress he was once wearing was discarded on a nearby chair. At least the gown was comfortable to say the least. With that he takes a single bread slice from the tray Sapphire brought in. Making his way to the bed he couldn't help but let his legs give in and have himself land face first onto the bed. A loud groan could be heard from him as he flips over sprawling out across the bed. He took a bite of the slice of bread as he flips on his side. With another sigh he finishes the slice and lets his mind drift away into sleep.

Let's hope all goes well tomorrow.


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