Chapter 3 ~Destiny's Ball~

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"No no no no no no no no! How?! Out of all the actual human girls out there he gave me an invitation! Not only a dude but an elf! He thought I was a girl!" Nodir paces the dining area. The boys have returned to their home in the woods where everything starts to sink in for Nodir. He knows he's in some serious trouble.

"For Merlin's sake, Nodir! It's just an invitation! You don't have to actually go to it! Just throw it into the fire or something!" Daedor says to his brother, he lay resting in one of their dining chairs. On the table in front of him lays his sword that he's now inspecting, making sure he's got his kians worth. In response Nodir turns to Daedor with a look of slight fright on his face.

"But he looked at me! He saw me! Even smiled! He's going to be expecting me to be there! I can't just not go!"

"Then were on earth are we going to find a dress for you! You're so small they wouldn't make dresses in your size. You'd have to get it fitted, and that cost a fortune." Daedor gets up from his chair and walks to his brother. Now holding his shoulders he turn his brother to him. "It's fine, he can't expect that everyone he invited was going to show up." Nodir looks down, contemplating what he should do. Then he raises his head, eyes wide, a spark went off in his mind.

"What if we make one! Almost every hand me down you give me is always too big for me. We could use one of those! Plus i know how to sew! Then when the ball comes around I'll go and I'll just sneak away from it and just go back home!" Daedor looks to his brother in shock.

"That's actually a pretty good plan. Let's do it-" Daedor begins to walk off and get supplies when he stops and looks to his brother questioning. "Where did you learn to sew? Cause i know i sure didn't teach you."

"Um- my books..."

"Of course. Well, let's get going and get you ready for this ball!"

Within the next week the cabin was bustling with movement from the two. Whether it be from Nodir's constant running back and forth throughout the house trying to find the right fabric to Daedor going in and out of the house trying to find his brother some jewelry for the dress. It wasn't long till the dance was just around the corner.

The castle was booming with busy movement, from the servants running around with platters to feed the guest to the many guest arriving from the town below. The ball room was filled to the brim with daughters of the town foke, each in their own dress that shows their economic status. The richer one had big poofy dresses that reach the floor around them a foot away from their actual feet. The mid class girls had simple dresses with no poof but still a corset to hold in their wait. Then the poor class had roughly made dresses from old scraps with little to no jewelry, only a small necklace or single ring on their finger. But yet the room was bustling with daughters of all types of families. Then there was our out of place Nodir. He stood at the back of the room away from all the commotion, a wallflower some may have called him. He wore something that fit between the mid and poor class, his dress was white with poorly sewn on golden trim around the bottom and edge of the neckline. The sleeves were long and reached his fingertip that centered of onto his middle finger. He wore a ring on his left hand, the pinky finger, it was a ring that belonged to his mother who he's never meet. Around his neck was a white lace choker bought from the market by Daedor. A light tan stained shall hung over his shoulders that was make from an old shirt. Finally his hair was loosely combed back and a daisy flower crown was placed there (which was made on the way to the castle). He would have passed as a girl to any who looked at him. A servant walk up to him, a tray in hand and offered him a small candy lookin thing, which he took, and the servant walked away. Suddenly trumpet sounds rang throughout the ballroom. All attention was focused to the tall flight of stairs in the front of the room.

A man walks out in servant clothing and held a scroll, which he opened and called out, "Welcome everyone to the Prince's coming of age ball. Here today the future queen of the kingdom will be chosen. The prince will be given one week with his future wife where he will see if he made the right decision. When the week is over and the prince stays with the lady they will wed. If he denies then everyone shall meet here again for his final choosing were not him, but the king will chose. Now, please welcome the prince, Prince Amir Xen Folen!"

The prince walked out beside the announcer, thanking and
releasing him. There he stand tall smiling to the crowd. He wore a golden crown atop his head with jewels of yellow and purple, his shirt was golden with purple trim, with poofy shoulders and fitted sleeves. He wears dark brown boots folded at the knee and black pants. Music start to play, the sound flooding the room. He looks through the crown, no doubt looking for the lady to be his first dance of the night. But then he stops, he's looking directly at our elf boy Nodir. The prince then started his way down the flight of stairs, heading straight for him. Nodir began to panic, he began to shake, his feet stuck to the ground. He couldn't move though he wanted to get out of there he couldn't. The sea of women begin to split letting the prince walk through, watching his as he walks hold their breath as he walks and when he passes him the women sigh. He finally reaches Nodir reaches out his hand for him to take, slightly bowing.

"A dance, madam?"

"U-u-umm i-i a-um" Nodir was shocked. The prince of the kingdom was asking him to dance and he was frozen, unable to move. Folen smiled, taking in consideration the lady in front of him was nervous and shy, he lightly took Nodir's hand and slowly led him to the dance floor.

As the music continued Folen placed Nodir's free hand on his shoulder and his hand on Nodir's waist, slowly the two began to dance to the music. The other women circled around the pair as they danced to the music, the two swaying back and forth.

"So, what might be your name?" The prince questioned, being careful to not overstep boundaries for this "shy lady".

"Oh-um m-my names Nodir." His head falls down and face turns red in embarrassment.

"Nodir hu? I like that name, I've never heard of it before."

"Oh-u yea its-u my mother chose it for me... it was my grandmothers middle name."

"Your mother? I don't remember seeing your mother with you in town." Nodir looked up at this and questioned.

"You remember me from the town?"

"Well, you were the only one i really looked forward to meeting here."


"Your the only girl I've ever seen with such beautiful white hair before."

"Oh-um thank you"
The music finally fades out leaving the two are left in the middle of the room.

"Thank you for this dance malady, I hope to see you later tonight." Folen bows thanking Nodir.

"Oh-um n-no problem." Nodir shyly walks away, hiding his face from the other woman scowling at him.

The night was finally coming to an end. The commotion slowed down and the many ladies were ready for the night to end. The ladies lined up in front of the staircase waiting to be chosen. On the other hand Nodir stayed to the back wall not really caring about what happens. The prince stood at the top of the stairs next to his announcer ready to yell the news. Nodir tries to stays hidden in the back, ready to slip away at any moment. The announcer clears his throat.
"The prince has chosen his bride! This lady will stay here in the castle for the remaining week where she shall be evaluated if fit to be queen. The future bride of the Prince will be.."
The room goes quiet, anticipation drooling over the women. Hoping and praying to be chosen.
"The Lady Nodir!"
Shock ran through the room, all was silent. Who would have guessed that a nobody, mid class citizen was chosen as the future queen. Some were furious mainly those of the higher classes. Nodir stands still frozen.... for he... not only a man but also a elf now has been chosen as the future queen of the kingdom.

This was not going to end well.


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