chapter two;

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Layla Brady looked down at her clothes in shock as the beer trickled down her body. She looked back up at the douche bag in front of her with the smirk. "Your bad, for sure."

"Damn, girl. Chill out. It's just beer." He said, turning to his buddies and just laughing. Layla took a very deep breath. Don't punch him. Accidents happen. Just let it go, she thought to herself.

"It does show off your boobs though, now. It's an improvement from before." He said licking his lips, looking down at her chest.

She raised her eyebrows. "Are you fucking serious?" She asked, not believing someone could be so stupid.

"I'm fucking serious about fucking you." He said and his friends all snickered.

Her mouth twitched looking at the imbecile before her. She smiled sweetly before looking to the counter on her right and seeing a margarita pitcher. She grabbed it and smiled at the boy sweetly walking up to him before pouring the drink over his head. His mouth opened as the red liquid covered his face and clothes. His friends all just staring as it happened.

The pitcher finally ran empty and she continued to smile sweetly, placing it back on the counter and looking back to him.

"You crazy bitch," he said, looking down at his clothes.

She smirked, almost laughing at him. "Damn dude, chill out. It's just a margarita."

He glared at her smirk as she walked away from them.

"Who is that bitch?" David asked his friends, slinging his hands in an attempt to get the margarita off of him.

"I mean, honestly bro, you kind of deserved that one." Scotty said, patting him on the back.

"Shut up, Scott!" David yelled as he went to find a bathroom that he could clean up in.

Layla made her way around the party until she found Lucas. "Oh thank God. There you are."

"Lay Lay! Is that beer on you?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, some douche spilled it on me. I poured a margarita picture over his head." Layla smirked thinking back to the badass moment.

"Wait!" Lucas yelled as a smirk grew on your lips. "You are the girl that poured margarita on David Dobrik??"

"Who's David Dobrik?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh, honey." Lucas said, pulling Layla under his arm. "David has 5 million subscribers on YouTube and he's like.. famous."

"So, What's a famous YouTuber doing at a USC party?"

"He's friends with Dom. So, he comes here with his other YouTube friends and they film for their vlogs."

"The fact that he's friends with Dom makes sense. And vlogs seriously? How lame." She said.

Lucas and her were making their way to the kitchen for snacks and more alcohol. "People love it. They plan them out so they are actually funny. For the most part anyways."

"Even more lame." Layla said with a roll of her eyes as she ate some chips and salsa.

"He also comes to these parties because he's a huge fuckboy and loves to find a girl to take home. Maybe you could be that lucky girl." Lucas said, nudging her with his elbow and winking at her.

She made a face. "I think I would literally rather choke on my own vomit and die. He's an asshole."

"Doesn't surprise me. He fits the frat type even though he's not technically in one. Or in school."

"I could see it."

Meanwhile, David had bumped into Adele in the hallway. "Oh hey, David." She smirked.

"What's up Adele? Nice party you guys threw tonight." He smirked at her.

"Thanks. So, I have a friend that's dying to meet you."

"Is she hot?"

She smirked. "Of course."

She introduced him to her sorority sister Haley and before the two could even finish their current drink, they were making out on the couch. Layla and Lucas walked back into the living room and each of them made a face as they literally dry-humped each other in the middle of the living room.

"Why do guys like that have to fit such a stereotype? Why can't there be like a frat guy who loves theater? Or like is a missionary or something?" Layla pondered, looking at the live porno in front of them.

"I mean.. some frat guys aren't too bad." Lucas said.

"Like who?" Layla asked tearing her eyes from David to look at Lucas confused.

"I mean, Dom is pretty nice. Yeah, he parties, but I don't know, he seems different." Lucas said, shrugging it off.

Layla eyed him suspiciously for a moment, but she decided to let it go. She looked back to David and said, "I just wish someone would show guys like that what it's like."

"You know, I heard he even has made bets about sleeping with girls." Lucas said, making Layla gag.

"You would think that even though all they care about is sex, drugs, and partying that he would still have a heart."

Suddenly, Lucas sat up. "That's it!" He said, pointing at her.

"What's it?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

He smirked smugly and leaned back crossing his arms. "I bet you can't make David Dobrik fall in love with you."

Layla laughed at him. "Why would I want him to?"

Lucas's smirk stayed on his face. "Because you are gonna play the player."

ambivalent (david dobrik)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora