chapter four;

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Today was Friday, and Layla Brady had just taken a very big test that she needed to pass for Biology. She walked out of the building and straight to the quad to treat herself to a strawberry banana smoothie after that difficult hour of her life.

She sat down at her designated picnic table that she always did. Soon enough, Lucas had joined her. "How did the test go?" He said, not even greeting her.

After drinking a long sip from her smoothie she said, "Your guess is as good as mine."

"That bad, huh?"

"That bad."

Lucas made a face showing his discern. "Well.. maybe a certain party tonight would cheer you up?"

Layla rolled her eyes. "Honestly, all I want to do is go get in my pajamas and sit on the couch watching Jane the Virgin."

"If you don't start getting out of the house, it's gonna be Layla the Virgin." He said, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Lukey, you know just as well as I that that is not true."


David Dobrik is typing...

"Is that lover boy?" Lucas said leaning over to see.

"If that's what you want to call him."


Did you decide if you were coming tonight? I was thinking I could pick you up.

"Holy shit," Lucas and Layla said looking at the text.

"This May be the easiest five hundred dollars I've ever made." Layla said, smirking.

"Ah ah. Not so fast," Lucas said wiggling a finger to signal a no. "The bet isn't to sleep with him. It's to make him fall in love with you. The boy is doing all this to sleep with you. He's going to try and get in your pants tonight and you can't let him or that's game over."

Layla took the information in, knowing he was right. She had to really get her game face on. "It's time to get real. I need to find a dress that's gonna tease the fuck out of him."

"Now were talking." Lucas said nodding encouragingly. "Don't forget to reply to him and let's go!"

Lucas got up and Layla typed her reply.

I guess I could come for a little while. Pick me up at 9.

Layla stuck her phone in her back pocket and joined her best friend as they walked to his car.

"Hey guys!" Dom said, seeming very excited to see the two of them.

"Hey Dom," Layla said nonchalantly.

"Hi," Lucas said in a weird tone.

"You guys gonna make it to the party tonight?"

"I think so," Layla said.

"Alright, great!" Dom said nodding. He then looked to Lucas and smirked. "See you there."

Dom walked away and Layla furrowed her eyebrows at him as he walked away. She looked to Lucas and said, "Was that weird? That was weird."

"What was weird?" Lucas said as the reached the car.

Layla looked at Lucas over the hood of the car. "The way he smirked at you. It seemed like he was flirting with you or something."

Lucas waved a hand. "Girl, bye. He's with Adele and my gaydar says no. That's just how frat guys are."

"Okay.." Layla said, deciding to drop it as she got into the car.


Okay, well why don't you give me your number so you can send me a pin later? 😉

Layla smirked at her phone and did just that.

Tonight should be interesting.

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