Chapter 4

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When you woke you looked around your surroundings tiredly, you didn't bother getting up as you knew you would be in too much pain to succeed. There was a viciously cold surface against your back and you realized your surroundings from that alone. Slowly you looked to your right, catching sight of the one-eyed mech and- hang on. What was he working on? It looked like a giant metal dog, definitely not a wolf, at least you didn't think so. In your opinion it looked more like a border collie, one ear flopped down, the only concerning part was that the metal dog's eyes were dark and lifeless.

"What? Bored with me so you're dissecting a robo-dog corpse?" You honestly pitied the creature, it looked actually adorable and you admit that you always thought all animals are adorable, except maybe the Predacon. You met that dragon once and his cold yellow eyes gave you the hebie jebies.

"If you are implying that this creature has offlined you are mistaken. Something cannot be 'dead' unless it has been living first." You blinked. It isn't a corpse? Is he building it?

"So you're playing Frankenstein and building your own monster?"

"Your systems were implying that you found it adorable, so I can therefore conclude you do not find it a monster." Shockwave turned back to the dog, ignoring your question, and you glanced up at the screen next to you, attached to a circlet around your skull, the later actually making a headache itch into your mind from it pushing your head from resting flat on the table. It was designed to tap into your brain and tell him things like your emotions, pain reception, even on occasion voice a venomous thought you were projecting furiously.

You lifted your head, surprised to find he hadn't strapped you to the table yet, soon finding your answer at the impecably clean glass like walls surrounding you, a cage. With a wince and a hand to steady your fragile ribs you slowly raised yourself into a sitting position, trying your best to ignore the fact that your entire body was shrieking in protest. "So how the hell are you going to give it life? You obviously didn't grow it like a Predacon."

He almost seemed to turn to you in an exasperated manner, an impressive feat for the emotionless mech, "I am going to inject an organic life form's mind inside of this creation to give it life. It will be programmed to follow any order given when it's over ride code is used." A sense of dread washed over you, there's only one organic life form on this bloody warship and I'm honestly on the verge of pissing myself ......

"That's why he wants me?! He's going to place me in a cybertronian body so I'll be his perfectly obedient soldier?!"

The mech nodded in response, "Your presence will fully prove useful then. I have created this body to be as strong as a Predacon and as obedient as one of your quadraped pets, I believe you call them man's best friend?" You wanted to throw up.

First they kidnap you, no explanation and a bloody nose to boot. Then they torture you for months on end, you wondered if the Autobots and your fellow human's even thought you were still alive. And now, now they were going to force you into becoming their literal bitch.

The anger gave you the adrenaline to stand and walk over to the side of the barrier. Where you proceeded to bash your fist aggressively into it. "I have endured capture and torture, like hell I'm going to let you turn me into an abomination for both our species!"

Shockwave simply stared at first, looking slightly surprised at your energetic and vehement response, "It is illogical to waste your energy, Megatron has ordered this so it will be done. You will be the first of a mighty and obedient species." He watched as your adrenaline obviously ran out and you sagged against the wall, slowly sliding to the floor.

"I would sooner die than allow that to happen." You managed to spit out.

"Then we are lucky the procedure does not need your consent." The mech turned, working on the robo-dog once more, or rather, working on what will be you fairly soon. With that conversation finished and you realizing you were going to be given a 'free-day', you slid down until you were laying on the cold table once more, choosing to sleep.


The Autobots were livid, especially Ratchet. They had been searching for months for the massive warship that to their knowledge, hadn't landed in said amount of months. Ratchet bashed the object he had last been tinkering on with you, letting out a snarl of frustration. Miko, Jack, and Raf had never seen him like this. He refused to sleep until he crashed out of exhaustion and took very little energon every time his team returned with a haul. At this point the whole team was exhausted, they all felt that they hadn't appreciated you enough, you were a surprisingly big part of keeping everyone in running order and not getting beat to splinters by being so exhausted. It hurt knowing the cons had taken you with surprising ease, and it was suspicious they hadn't demanded for anything in return.

Fowler was worried as well, he had been forced to tell your parents about everything when you had been taken, something the government was less than pleased about. Your parents had taken it surprisingly well after the initial tears, instantly demanding to know where they could be useful. They had been put on an observation team in the Autobots bunker, to assist in keeping an eye out for any Decepticon activity, and they were surprisingly good at it, for a small while even Ratchet was pleased by their contribution. But happy feelings pass.

"Ratchet?" Raf questioned softly, "Are you alright?"

"No! How could I possibly be alright?! They were my responsibility, my charge, and the Decepticons are out there with them, no doubt harming them greatly! I can't stand being so useless to help!" The medic exploded in his frustration, but he soon appologized once seeing Raf shrink back and your parents look up at him with distressed faces, "I-I am sorry, this is effecting me more than I'd like to admit..."

The bespectacled boy offered Ratchet a soft smile, "We can at least hope they're still alive, why would they hide so long if they weren't using them for some reason?"

Ratchet nodded firmly in agreement, "The main thing we need to figure out is what for?" He turned back to the screen, typing once more.

Ratchet would find you, he swore he would almost every night, and if he ever saw that red sports car again, let's just say that Knockout would be far too worried about getting out of there in one piece to worry about his precious paintjob.

Sorry everyone for being super late on this update, exams are coming up this upcoming week and I've been super stressed, studying my butt off!
As well as getting over an unfortunate concussion from my horse, long story short he bucked and I landed on my head, it's pretty minor but it honestly sucked!
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this eventful update with our favorite Autobots included!

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