Chapter 6

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As the ground bridge closed behind you, you were aware of the tears, or coolent, you mused bitterly, building up at your optics. Starscream growled and swatted your head, causing you to wince and lower your head further, trying to make yourself look small and not worth picking on, however the mech had dealt with being in that role too often and didn't allow you the reprieve he often wished for. You whined loudly and skidded a fair amount when he landed an enraged kick to your side, within seconds he had picked you up by your metallic scruff, "Do you have any idea what Megatron will do to me for this?! That mine was vital, and we just lost it to those fragging Autobots, because of you!"

All that you would, and could respond with was a crooked grin. You were happy to help your friends, even if it caused you pain and- the grin was gone from your face and you watched as Starscream tensed, ignoring the fact that his harsh grip was causing small drips of energon to escape from your protoform. The reason for both of you freezing? The Predacon's eiry screech of rage.

Starscream was sent flying, leaving you to weakly struggle so you were laying on your stomach to watch. He groaned at the impact that you noticed, with a bit of bitter pleasure, had severely dented the harsh metal wall and the beast stood protectively in front of you, as if on instinct.

"You shall not hurt the femme." The Predacon snarled. His voice was deep, accented, and to your surprise quite intelligent as he turned to you and nudged the side of your helm gently, "Are you alright, femme? Starscream did not harm you too badly I hope?" He waited expectantly for you to reply, however you were too shocked to say anything other than: "How?"

The mech raised a paw to his face in a strangely human looking action....did he just shush you? "He dented your side plating, that will make it difficult to walk, let me help you." Without waiting for an answer, which he knew most likely wouldn't come, he gathered you up in his claws and with some effort, swung your surprised body to lay over his shoulders. After making sure you were stable, the beast began the trip to Shockwave's lab, his odd but smooth gait making it quite comfortable for you. Just like riding a horse, you internally huffed, a horse with claws and fangs that could easily kill me yet appears to be helping....

"So..." You began, watching as his neck curved to turn his head slightly and show he was listening, "You're intelligent as well?"

"Yes, I am Predaking, and I presume you are the human femme Shockwave has been experimenting on?"

"Yes... you aren't disgusted by me being human?" The question left your dermas hesitantly, "I mean, most of the Cons think humans are disgusting pests."

His body hummed under you reassuringly, "I have nothing against your kind, I in fact tend to prefer your presence to the Decepticons. You actually speak up for yourself, which I admire."

Your head raised from where it had been hanging, "You admire me? But I'm forced to obey, you do it of your own free will! Free will I'll never have again..." Predaking's dermas pulled down into what you perceived as a frown.

"I, as a Predacon, owe at least some of my loyalty to Shockwave for bringing my species back into existence. However that does not mean I agree with this experimentation on you, and therefore as I admire your specie's resistance to such horrors, I choose to portray the rest of my loyalty to your cause. I may not be able to stop him from permanently attaching you to this body, however I will pledge to return you to your Autobot friends." Predaking said that with such firmness, it surprised you, and left ultimately no room for argument. He nodded at the soft "Thank you" you said with appreciative optics.

The door to Shockwave's lab slid open as the dragon slid through, having to press himself rather low to fit both himself and your dangling body through, his shoulders shook with slight amusement at your huffed laugh.

"What is the meaning of this, Predacon? Why is the experiment not on its paws?" You felt the growl that Predaking did not allow to voice itself as he turned to Megatron and gently leaned down so you could shimmy yourself off of his shoulders and onto the ground. He silently jerked his helm in the direction of the door, where Starscream now stood apprehensively. Megatron's optics dimmed dangerously, "I suppose I will receive that report now, as well as an explanation for why you injured our asset." They both exited the room, Starscream trotting after his Lord anxiously.

Your helm turned to look at the others present in the room, locking optics with Breakdown and then Knockout before the cherry red mech anxiously turned to Shockwave and demanded your human form be sent to the medical bay for a check-up, after you had been switched back of course. The one-eyed mech turned and after Predaking had helped your form forward, switched you back. Being back in your body was odd, you had been growing used to the feeling of being average sized to them far more than you wanted to admit.

Knockout swiftly scooped your body up and scolded you slightly when you wiggled into a sitting position to look in Predaking's direction, he tilted his head curiously when you smiled at him swiftly, before your cherry red mech rushed out of the room, Breakdown in tow. "How are you feeling? Any sickness, memory loss, fatigue?"

A laugh left your lips at his rambling, causing him to scowl when he noticed your amusement at his worry, and a grumble of: "sparklings" when Breakdown snickered as well.

However you did focus on your body for a minute, "I feel... surprisingly fine. All the pain I experienced in my other body, it's weird, there's a ghost of pain in my body but it almost feels like nothing now." Breakdown and Knockout shared a look, one that admittedly made you worried. They quickly stepped into the bay and you asked your question, "Guys. Why do I feel fine? I have multiple broken bones healing scratches and deep cuts everywhere, and I don't feel it?!"

Knockout shushed you gently and set you down on your soft bed, "Megatron ordered it, he had Shockwave administer experimental technology to completely heal you while you were out of your body, they thought it would just fix your bones and strengthen your connection to your cybertronian body. However it also numbed most of your ability to detect pain...."

You frowned deeply, shaking your head and standing, much to both of the mech's disagreement. "What else is he going to do before they fully switch me over and send my, erm, offlined body back to my family." You raised your eyes to look at both of the concerned mechs, deciding to change the subject so you didn't have to look their defeated expressions. "So.. I er had a little chat with our friendly neighborhood Predacon."

You didn't expect the comical look of confusion on their faces.

"Friendly?" Knockout blinked, looking to Breakdown.

"Neighborhood??" Breakdown echoed, returning the look.

"PREDACON?!" They both spun to face you, they're expressions demanding your explanation.

An arm wrapped around your stomach, you wheezed with silent laughter, "Okay, I'm sorry, the way you guys reacted was pretty funny!" They looked at you dryly, so you continued, "Alright, alright, fine. He saved me from Starscream, yelling something about how 'You will not harm the femme' or whatever, and he's actually completely intelligent! He had a whole conversation with me!"

Knockout looked at you disbelievingly, "He's intelligent.."

"Yes! He said his name is Predaking! He's apparently rooting for me too!" You grew frustrated at their expressions and finally blurted: "Predaking even said he admires me!"

You almost shuddered at the intense look Knockout gave you, maybe I should have worded that differently....

"He admires you."

Yay! I just had to make Predaking be sympathetic and caring, I felt like it was very much in his character had he known someone who needed a friend! Next chapter is a bit of a filler, but there may be a little Knockout being a flirty butt, guess you'll have to see~

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