The tournament

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A/n:I know what I said on the comments below but I was impatient so I want to write again. Anyways I'll be writing this because I'm bored to tears. OK let's get started!!.

At home

Y/n came back from the park. Y/n entered his house with his grandpa out of sight. He didn't really sleep much because training was much more important then life. He figured that since he already battled that Valt guy that counted as training

Y/n's mind:"That boys Beyblade's super strong gotta say he actually proves as a challenge"

Y/n then went to his PC and access his group chat with R/n writing a message

-Group chat

Y/n:"What's up man"

R/n:"Not much just playing Forenight



Y/n:"So anything interesting going on?"

R/n:"Yep actually theirs a district tournament tomorrow"


R/n:"So? You gonna sign up?"


R/n:😉 OK then but watch your back!"

R/n's left the group chat

Y/n then logs off the group chat as well and takes out Broadax

Y/n:"Change of plans will have to train more but I know you'll help me out"

Y/n shuts down his Laptop and goes outside to his bey stadium and grabs out his launcher


Y/n was heading to the stadium along with R/n

Y/n:"Hey R/n"


Y/n:"I'll win this tournament for sure"

R/n smirks

R/n:"That's what I like hear!"

They made it to the stadium as a bunch of kids were lined up for registration. They got in the line only to see Shu,Valt,Rantaro,Diago and that Ken guy. When it was Y/n's turn he placed his launcher on the register. After registration R/n and Y/n went behind the fence.


Y/n and R/n covered their ears as Y/n looked behind him

Y/n:"Oh hey Beyclub"

Valt:"You were lucky at the park but I won't hold back this time"

Rantaro:"Yeah me too I'll get revenge,"

Y/n just shrugs

Shu's mind:"So Y/n the second best in the world"

Diago:"Hey R/n if we battle I'll show you Doomscizor's true power"

R/n just giggles

R/n:"OK but Terror won't hold back"

Diago:"Good to know"

The lights went out and a spotlight went to the center. It showed the Commentator

C:"OK you Bey loving fans out there. Welcome to the Regional tournament. I'll like to introduce to you one of the Supreme four and the spryzen wielder of greatness Shu Kurenai"

Shu appeared on the stage

Shu:"For those who are competing in this Tournament. A big Good luck to you all!!!"

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