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Ok, finally done proper descriptions for each of the aus.
All of them are ready for questions, dares, and to have requests for short stories on them.

Also, might have added an extra one ;).

(These are gonna be the descriptions under the book)

"You can't have half of a P.I.E. You've gotta have a whole P.I.E."

-Johnny Ghost.

Johnny Ghost, paranormal investigator extraordinaire. He'd dealt with all sorts of paranormal entities. He'd succeed 9/10.
After all, he was Johnny Ghost! He could handle anything thrown at him!

But, what about when he's faced with an issue that's not so simple.
He knows he's not crazy, but how do you prove that when you're hearing voices in your head, blacking out only to find yourself in an unfamiliar location, or even when you don't know your own childhood?

"Perhaps you're just crazy."

"I'm NOT insane!"

People you can ask:
Johnny Ghost.
Johnny Toast.
Fred 'Spooker' Soup.
Chris 'Colon' Ghostie.
Jimmy Casket.
Gregory Casket.
Cardboard Friend.

Johnny Ghost is a professional ghost hunter.
He was the boss of P.I.E after all!
He was Johnny Ghost, paranormal investigator extraordinaire.

There hasn't been a case he couldn't solve.
From ghosts to demons to werewolves, nothing he couldn't handle.

So, why does he never feel alone?

In search of answers, he goes to discover his past.

But, what if he doesn't like what he finds?
And what if this causes problems for his teammates?

People you can ask:
Johnny Ghost.
Johnny Toast.
Fred 'Spooker' Soup.
Chris 'Colon' Ghostie.
Jimmy Casket.
Cardboard Friend.

Gregory, Jimmy and Ghost had all been raised most of their life in a psychiatric hospital.
Ever since they were found scared, confused, feral and near death, the trio grew up raised by doctors, nurses and therapists.
Finally, they're going to be designated to one therapist instead of constantly switching between.
A new therapist.

"So, you're going to be designated to Mr Casket, Dr Toast."

People you can ask:
Johnny Ghost.
Jimmy Casket.
Gregory Casket.
Johnny Toast.
Chris Ghostie.
Fred Soup.
Sally Acachalla.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like! ^^.

Love you guys! X

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