Aus (2)

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Warning, a lot of tragic shit.

First it was Fred Soup.
On a case, he ate the wrong berries.
Atropa belladonna.
Also known as 'Deadly Nightshade'.
After mere days of suffering, he had slipped into a coma, where he died two days later, dying a painless death.

Then, Chris Ghostie died weeks after.
On a walk home from P.I.E HQ, he was startled when a hooded figure tackled him.
After putting up a good fight, the figure had won, slitting his neck open, Colon dying almost instantly.

Johnny Ghost's mental state had rapidly deteriorated.
On a warm summer's day, he'd had enough of the voices and hallucinations.
He knew it was all his fault the two had died.
Toast had gotten back to P.I.E, only to scream and sob at the sight before him.
Johnny Ghost was blue.

Jonathan Toast had hit his breaking point.
No matter what his family did, it was never enough.
The only joy he found was in alcohol and macaroni.
This wasn't good for his health.
Soon he was in hospital for drug overdose, where he flat lined mere hours after.

People you can ask:
Johnny Ghost
Johnny Toast
Fred 'Spooker' Soup
Chris 'Colon' Ghostie
Jimmy Casket
Gavin Toast
Jenny Toast
Chakalada Soup
Cardboard Friend

Question for this one.
Should Toast be a mournful ghost or a zombie/undead creature?
Asking because Toast has been a zombie at one point and I thought it would tie in well, but I'm also unsure of how to make a zombie interesting.
Have an idea though. But, it is really, REALLY sad.

Supernatural! P.I.E
Haven't got a description yet because idk who should be what.

Pretty sure I want Ghost to be a demon.
Should Toast be a werewolf or a vampire?

Also, should I keep Spooker and Colon as paranormal investigators, or have them also be supernatural creatures?
I kinda like the idea of them being paranormal investigators, and they meet Ghost and Toast and don't realise they're both supernatural.
Then it's a story of Ghost ad Toast being unsure of how to handle it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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