Meeting 'Mystery Man'

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! So, I had this great idea for a 1D fanfic, so I just started writing, and this is what happened. <3 I hope you like it, I've never seen this concept in a fanfic before, so please tell me if you see one similar to this. I feel really good about this one, so tell me if you like it! Comment if you want me to continue, I would really love some feedback!

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @xoxforeveryoung for editing this for me. Thank you so much! ;)

Thanks again, guys! I love you soooooo much, and I couldn't do it without you(:

Enjoy!<3 xx


"Hey, Hun," my mom drawled as she walked through the door. It was around 1:00 am on a Friday night, and my 'totally responsible' mother was supposed to be home hours ago.

"Where have you been?" I snapped.

She brushed by me, avoiding the question.

"Mom?" I yelled, chasing after her. Her stilettos clicked on the tile flooring, and the sound echoed through the house.

She made her way to the kitchen and sat her purse on the counter. She then started rummaging through the cupboards, probably trying to stall.

"You want something to eat?" she asked me.

I gave her an are-you-kidding-me? look, so she sighed and sat down the bag of chips she was holding.

"I was... out," she stated.

"'Out'? 'Out'? Do you know how worried about you I've been?" I shrieked at her.

I know, you might think I was being really harsh and sassy to my mom, but I was basically the adult of the house. My mom had a habit of staying out late and partying all the time. Not to mention, she was a major cougar ever since she and my dad split up. So, I had to be the responsible one; the one who stepped up and did the chores, cooked, and cleaned. I even helped my mom out whenever she was hungover (which is a lot). And on top of all of that, I had school and a social life to deal with.

"But, Riley, I met a boy," she said, annunciating the word 'boy' like it was an exotic animal.

Yep. She was drunk.

"Mom! I don't care who you met! And that's gross! I don't need to know that!" I rolled my eyes.

"But, honey, he's cuuuuutteee," my mom slurred.

"Ohmygosh, Mom. No. Just no," I said. I felt like I was about to puke. I did not want to know about my mom's love-life. After all, the boy she met was probably ten to twenty years younger than her.

"Rilesss, I think I'm in lovveee," my mom said with a creepy smile on her face. Eww.

I shook my head and gently grabbed her by the arm. "Let's get you to bed," I sighed.

"He's purrrfect," my mom continued.

"Whatever, mom," I said as I led her up the stairs to her bedroom.

"You'll see, Hun, you'll see," she told me.

"So I'm gonna meet this guy?" I asked, laughing. I had never met one of her 'boyfriends', so maybe this guy really was different. Then again, she was drunk, so she probably didn't even know what she was saying.

"Of course! Tomorrow. This guy is specciiaalll," she slurred as we got to her bedroom.

"Alrighty, mom. See you in the morning," I said. I tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," she whispered.

"Night mom," I said as I walked out of the room and to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me and sunk down to the floor. Just take a deep breath, I thought to myself.

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