All That and a Bag of Potato Chips

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[Sooo, I'm back. :) I'm sorry to everyone for leaving you hanging for so long, but here's the next part of the story. I haven't gotten the chance to edit it yet, so let me know if you find any mistakes. I hope you like it, let me know in the comments. ♡❥ I think I'm back on Wattpad for good now. ;) And, this chapter is dedicated to @ps_imma_ninja because she was my 100th fan.! Thank you so much! :) ~S]

I scowled as I stared at my laptop background. Why did I have to set it as a picture of Harry Styles? Oh yeah, because a week ago I seriously thought that I was in love with him. I thought he was so amazing and perfect, but now the perfectness of his brown curls, green eyes, and cheeky dimples made me want to throw my laptop across the room. I quickly changed the background to a picture of me and Jake at Disneyland so I wouldn't be driven to break my computer.

It was around 4:30 AM and I still hadn't gone to sleep yet. I was afraid that if I tried to sleep, my mind would automatically drift to the subject of my mom and Harry. I had spent the entire night on my laptop checking my Facebook, playing solitaire, and doing pretty much anything I could to keep my mind off of things. I was so desperate that I even Googled 'Channing Tatum shirtless' and browsed through the pictures. That definitely did a good job at keeping me distracted for a while, but it still wasn't enough to make me forget.

I shut my laptop and rolled out of bed. If I wasn't going to sleep, I might as well eat, right? I shoved my feet into my bunny slippers and slipped out of my room. I trudged down the stairs, careful not to make any noise that would wake my mom. She was already mad enough at me, and I didn't want to make it worse.

I didn't want to turn the lights on until I got to the kitchen just in case my mom might wake up from it. Since it was pitch-black in the house and I couldn't see, I had to trust my senses. I felt my way through the hallway and into the living room, hoping that I wouldn't trip on anything and die. When I eventually felt the carpet under my feet turn to tile, I mentally patted myself on the back for not falling. I had finally made it to the kitchen.

I took a few more steps over to where the light switch should be and that's when my feet slipped out from under me. I tried to catch myself using the wall, but there was nothing to grab onto. I let out a squeak and prepared to hit the cold, hard tile when I felt two strong arms catch me. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't hit the floor, but a second later, I realized that the person holding me was definitely not my mother; unless my mom had started going to the gym and wearing cologne. The person holding me was a man. I tensed up and was about to scream when-

"SHHH! Don't worry, it's me, Harry," said a British voice. Suddenly, the guy flicked the light on, and I looked up at his face; sure enough, it was Harry.

"What the- What are you doing here?" I sort of whisper-screamed at him.

"Well, errmm, I was sleeping on the couch," he explained, "And when you walked by, I woke up and followed you in here."

I made a crazy face at him. "You followed me in here?"

"Basically," he told me, smiling, "Can I put you down now?"

I realized that he was still carrying me bridal style from when I fell.

"Yeah, sure," I said, and he set me back down on my feet. I turned to face him and that's when I realized that he was only wearing boxers. Harry Styles was in my kitchen wearing only boxers. Unbelievable. I tried really hard not to stare, but it was practically impossible.

"Like what you see?" he asked cheekily. I immediately turned bright red and stared at the ground, desperately trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Uhh, no," I lied. I walked over to the cabinet and opened it, searching for what I had came for in the first place; food. I pulled out a bag of Ruffles, and ripped it open, pouring out the contents into a bowl. I turned to face Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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