Couch Cuddles (Axel and Luna)

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"Ugh, Lukas and Harmony are so lucky they get the day off from school work." Luna groaned, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

She had been sitting at Axel's for the past couple of hours, working on a project for one of her classes. She had switched from her contacts to her glasses about an hour ago since they didn't bug her eyes so much.

"Luna how long are you gonna complain about you having to work while Lukas and Harmony are out?" Axel asked, looking up from his game.

"Pretty much til I get it done cause this is taking forever~" She whined, leaning back in the kitchen table chair.

"Why not take a little break and come back to it later?" Axel asked, glancing at her.

"Cause I need to get it done, it's due in a couple days."

Axel simply sighs as he puts his controller down and walks over to the table, picking Luna up out of her chair.

"Axel! Put me down!" Luna yelps as she gets pulled out of her chair and flopped over Axel's shoulder.

"Nah, I'm not letting you turn into Lukas and wear yourself out from working." Axel said, walking back over to the couch.

"I'm not gonna, I just need to get it done." Luna said, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"Doing that is going to make you fall smart one." Axel sighs as he adjusts his grip on her, moving her from his shoulder to holding her bridal style. "You are going to take a break, you watch a movie with me then I will let you go back to working on your project." He said, sitting down and putting Luna down in his lap.

"Ugh, fine. better pick a good movie then." Luna sighed before turning sideways where her feet were propped up on the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck. " had a movie picked out didn't you." She said rather than asked when she saw the smug look on his face.

"Had it in the Blu-ray already. Lukas and Harmony are out on a date, but that doesn't mean we can't have a long overdo movie date." He chuckled, lightly squeezing her slender waist as he wrapped his arms around it.

"And what movie did my devious boyfriend have picked out already?" Luna asked, chuckling lightly as she fiddled with the back of his mohawk.

"Something stupid but entertaining enough that both of us to enjoy."

"Quit with the riddles and just tell me ya big goof." Luna chuckled, flicking him in the side of the neck.

"Alright, alright," He chuckled, "I put Deadpool in. That ok with you?"

"Oooh~ I love Deadpool!" She happily giggled, bouncing slightly.

"Do me a favor...and try not to bounce while sitting in my lap." He said, poking her in the side before grabbing the remote off the couch next to him.

"Right, sorry bout that." Luna chuckled, laying her head against his broad chest as the movie started. "Ya know it's still not fair that I'm literally sitting on you and I'm still not high enough to reach your damn shoulder." She sighed, still happy to rest against his chest and be able to hear his strong heart beat.

"You still seem comfortable where you are now." Axel said in a low voice, brushing some stray white hair out of her face before putting his arm back around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Yea, well you are warm and comfortable to snuggle with...even with all your muscles." Luna chuckled, reaching up and trailing her fingers along Axel's defined collar bone before running her hand down his chest, stopping just over his heart.

"Yea well I can't say any differently for you, you got just enough fat it makes you squishy." Axel chuckled, lightly squeezing her waist.

"I don't have any fat..." Luna pouts with a light blush.

"You do a little, but I wouldn't have it any other way." Axel said, kissing Luna lightly on the head with an airy chuckle. He wait for a couple seconds before purring, "Luna~"

Luna looks up at him, as soo as she does her lips get locked into a kiss from Axel. She exhales through her nose before kissing his back, tightening her grip around the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. She breaks the kiss for air, though she tilts her head so her forehead was resting against his.

Axel simply chuckles before lightly kissing the tip of her nose. "Love you Lu."

"Love you too Axel," She replied, giving him a quick kiss on the lips in return, "now how about we actually watch the movie you were so adamant on me watching with you."

"Alright, but hope you don't mind getting interrupted every now and then." Axel joked, softly stroking her side with his thumb.

"We will see, now shush and watch Deadpool kill people." Luna chuckled, laying her head against his chest again and turned her attention back to the large TV screen to watch the man in red spandex fight.

"God I love you." Axel chuckled as well before also turning his attention to the movie, keeping a tight, loving grip around his girlfriend who still sat comfortably in his lap.

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