First Date Part 2 (Killian and Lola)

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"Here we are, didn't drive too fast did I?" Killian asked as he helped Lola off the back of his motorcycle.

"N-no...just never been on a motorcycle before." Lola said, trying to get the helmet off.

"Oh, hold on I'll get it," He said, reaching under her chin to unclip the helmet and carefully take it off her head, "there ya go, better?"

"Yea, thanks are going to have to show me how to get that off." Lola said, fluffing her curly pigtails back up.

"I can show you later, let's go have some fun at the fair first. Come on let's go find something fun to do."

"Ok...wanna start with some of the game stalls?" She suggested, playing with one of her pigtails as they walked towards the entrance.

"Sure! Who knows, maybe we can win some prizes...gets some plushies for you and Kimmie." Killian agreed with a happy smile, he wanted to go on a bunch of the rides but he wanted Lola to be happy as well.

"You really love your little sister huh? You talk about her a lot."

"Oh um yea...Kimmie is my little sister so isn't natural for me to do small stuff like this for her? She has a love for big stuffed animals so I know she will be happy if I win her one." Killian explained, looking around at the different stalls.

"Kimberly is lucky to have a big brother like you...someone so kind and strong enough to protect her if need be..." Lola said, looking up at him.

"Well, now that we are dating...I can protect you too." Killian muttered, his ears turning red from embarrassment.

Lola blushes brightly and looks down at the ground...avoiding eye contact with him and trying to hide the fact she was blushing.

"...Um how about we do the ring toss game?" Killian asked, trying to change the topic and points to the stand off to his right.

"Oh um...sure. I'm not very good at that one, but we can try it," Lola agreed and looks up at the large plushies hanging from bars, "cute..."

"Which one ya looking at?"

"The white and lavender panda, it's really cute." She said, pointing to it.

"Well come on, let's see if I can win it for you." Killian replied, lightly grabbing Lola's hand and pulling her over to the game stall.

"O-ok." She says with a nod, letting Killian pull her over.

"Hello you two, care to play a round?" The stall owner asked as the couple walked up.

"Yea, just save the purple panda for me." Killian chuckled, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.

"Five dollars my good man, ring the green bottle and the panda is yours...guessing it's for your little girlfriend then?" He asked, taking the bill from Killian and handing him five red, plastic rings.

"Alright, let's see how good I am at this...dammit." Killian said, tossing his first ring and bounces off a white bottle.

"You still have four more shots it's ok." Lola said softly, watching him grab another ring.

"Thanks Lola, I will get it this time just watch." He said, tossing the ring...determined to ring the green bottle.

"Congrats young man, you wanted this panda here correct?" The stall owner asked, pointing to the purple and white plush.

"Yea, thanks." Killian said, taking the large plush from the man and handing it to Lola. "Here you are my lady."

"You are so goofy Killian...thank you. It's so soft and fluffy." Lola said, hugging the large bear.

"Glad you like are like a flower ya know that?"

"Why a flower?"

"Because you are small, delicate and beautiful like a flower."

"Well...I don't know if I wouldn't say beautiful, but thank you."

"Well no matter what anyone else says, you are beautiful to me and always will be." Killian said with a soft smile, hoping the fading evening light would hide the forming blush on his light brown skin.

"...if you say so. Um...let's go find something Kimberly might want, after all you said you wanted to get her something too." Lola said, changing the subject after blushing and turning away from Killian.

His smile faltered a little bit when he realized she didn't believe him and the thought of him going a bit too far crossed his mind. "Right um, maybe try a couple other games while we are at it? We can maybe go on a few rides as well if you are feeling up to it." He said, trying to sound casual and like what he just said never happened.

"Um sure, whichever you want." Lola said, sounding kind of zoned out. She was paying attention to what he was saying, but his comment a minute ago made her a little more than just embarrassed. She wanted to believe him, but other people made it hard for her to...just being with someone as popular as Killian should be proof enough right?

"Hey so um, you wanna try the balloon pop game? That one has some cute prizes." Killian suggested, trying to lighten the now awkward atmosphere.

"Oh sure, that sounds like fun." She agreed, glad for something to occupy her mind.

Killian gave her a slightly awkward smile before leading her over to the balloon pop game and handing the stall owner ten dollars. He held out half of the darts to Lola, three for each of them. "Figured you might want to play this times instead of just watching me the whole time."

"Oh, ok. thank you." Lola said softly, carefully taking the darts from Killian and putting her stuffed panda on the ground in front of her.

"Two popped balloons gets you a large prize, one balloon gets you a small one. good luck." The stall owner said as he refilled some of the balloons and moved out of the way.

Tossing the darts ended with Killian popping three balloons and Lola popping one.

Killian gave the small prize to a small girl that was trying and missed all the balloon, saving the large prize, which was a large plushie seal, for his little sister.

Lola ended up getting a small puppy plush. "You really a sweet person Killian." She said with a small smile.


"Um I mean...well everyone at school always talk about you being a tough guy and are a lot nicer than people seem to give you credit for. I don't know a lot of people who would have just given that little girl a plushie just cause she didn't win one." Lola explained, blushing.

"Oh, um I guess having a little sister who is a lot younger than you, just kinda can't help it some times." Killian said with a shrug, he didn't really think much of it.

"Still, it was really sweet of you."

"Right um...want to try one of the rides now?" He asked, trying to change the subject since he felt awkward getting praised so something he didn't think much on.

"Oh, sure. How about the ferris wheel?" Lola asked, pointing over to the large, colorfully lit wheel.

"Sure, let's go." Killian said, holding his hand out to her.

Lola takes it and they head toward the ferris wheel, after that they rode a couple more rides and played a few more games before heading back to Killian's bike. They stopped by a restaurant for a late dinner before Killian carefully drove them back to Lola's family's home, walking her back up to her door.

"I um, had a really good time tonight Killian. Thanks for taking me." Lola said, adjusting her grip on her panda plush.

"Of course, I'm glad you had fun. Um, I guess I will see you at school on Monday." Killian said with a kind smile. He decided now was better than any so he stepped closer to Lola, leaned down and lightly kissed her on the forehead before backing away. "Have a good night Lola." He added before turning and heading back to his bike, leaving Lola standing on the porch.

Lola watched as Killian left as what he just did processed, once it did she blushed but smiled softly as the green glow of his bike disappeared around the corner and she headed inside.

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