First Date Part 1 (Killian and Lola)

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"Killian did you brush your teeth? Your hair? Clean clothes?" Luna started rapid firing questions at her son as he came down the stairs.

"Yea mom, calm down. It's just a first date, it's not that big a deal." Killian sighs with a small smiles as he walked over to his mom in the kitchen.

"It's a bigger deal than you are making it out to be. The first date can make or break a relationship," Luna said, fiddling with her tall son's curly hair, "Lola might be shy but like any other girl, she will probably break it off if the first date sucks."

"Thanks for the boost of confidence mom," He said, rolling his green and yellow eyes and swatting her hands away, "I will be fine, you can a little more faith in how you and dad raised me."

"True, guess we will have to wait and see how much you paid attention," Luna chuckled, resting her hands on her hips, "Just play nice with her...and when you pick her up go slow with your bike cause it will probably scare her if you go to fast."

"Mom...I got it. I've spent enough time with Lola to know what her personality is like, and I was already planning to drive slow when she's on my bike. You are-" Killian sighs at how cautious his mom was being, only to get cut off by a little girl's voice.

"Ian, Daddy helped pick them out. We thought you should give her these." Kimberly said, holding up a bouquet of flower...standing on her little toes to reach higher.

"Thanks Kimmie, tell dad I said thanks," Killian said with a smile, leaning down to ruffle his little sister's hair, "now I need to get going or I'm going to be late picking her up."

"Alright, I will quit picking at you. Go pick your little girlfriend up and have fun." Luna chuckles, giving her son a good pat on the back.

"Bye bye Ian! Tell Lola I said hi!" Kimberly called after him with a giggle as he heads towards the door.

"Bye guys." Killian waves as he grabs his bike key and jacket on the way out. "God, so much for getting out before mom noticed." He chuckles to himself as he put his leather jacket and helmet on.

He gets on the silver bike and turns the key, the engine roaring to life and the green under lights around the wheels turning on as well. Killian speeds out of his driveway, heading towards Lola's house. It wasn't all that far away, just a couple streets down, but he was starting to run a little late due to his mom and sister stalling him from leaving the house.

"Let's hope her parents aren't too strict on timing..." Killian mutters, checking the time on his phone as he ran the doorbell with flowers in hand.

"Hello? Oh you must be Killian, I'm Mrs. Jacks...Lola's mom. It's nice to finally meet you in person." The pale blue haired woman said as she answered the door. "why don't you come inside while I go get Lola?"

"Oh um, sure I guess." Killian said with a nod.

Mrs. Jacks moved out of the doorway to let him in before closing the door, "Here let me go put those flowers in a vase." She smiles, holding her hands out for the large bouquet.

"Oh right, here." Killian hands it over to her.

"Such beautiful flowers," She mumbles as she finds a vase and puts the flowers in it, "Alright, just wait a moment while I go get Lola." She smiles before heading up the stairs.

"Well at least her mom is nice." He said, looking around the quaintly decorated living room.

Killian walks around the room, it being much smaller than the living room in his house, looking at all the family photos and knick-knacks on the fireplace mantle. He lightly runs his fingers over a wooden carving of the word 'FAMILY' in the center of the mantle.

"H-hey Killian, sorry I kept you waiting."

"Jesus!" Killian jerks his hand back and almost knocks the carving off the mantle. "Oh Lola hey um."

"A-are you ok? I didn't mean to startle you..." Lola said, playing with a pale blue pigtail.

"No it's fine look great." He said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

He had planned for this to go much smoother...and his plan didn't include his girlfriend scaring the crap out of him.

"Oh um, thanks." Lola said, blushing.

"So...shall we get going? The carnival is only open til six." Killian said, already having a list of things he wanted to do once they got there.

"Sure um, let me go tell my dad I'm leaving one sec." She said, before walking down a nearby hallway.

"Well that was embarrassing...just glad mom and her stupid camera wasn't here." Killian mumbles, running a hand through his white curls.

"Ok, we are good to go now...ready?" Lola asked, walking back into the room.

"Alright, um after you." He said, opening the door for her and waiting.

"Aren't you just a sweet gentleman." Mrs. Jacks said, walking back down the stairs.

"Mom..." Lola sighs, glancing at Killian who's ears were tinted pink and rubbing the back of his head.

"Alright I'll stop. You guys have fun...and Killian?"

"Yes ma'am?" He asked quickly.

"Make sure to have her back by ten alright?"

"Of course, I will have her back by then." He nods, following Lola out once it was clear Mrs. Jacks was done talking.

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