Chapter Six

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I was still shivering in the small, cold barrel. My body was still wet from the waves and I stayed huddled inside as per captain's orders.

One second I was huddled inside the barrel, the next I was being yanked up. Lars had tightly gripped my collar and had jolted me threateningly close to his face, "What were you doing with my map," His low voice growled.

"What the hell are you-"

He interrupted my questioning, "Your a cabin boy. You expect me to believe that you risked your life to save my map after only a few days aboard?"

I was starting to realize that the captain wasn't paranoid... he was just smart.

I struggled against his tight grasp as his hot breath slid down my neck like a snake. His eyes then travelled around my face again, searching for any answers he could find.

"Lars!" A familiar voice relieved my tension. Gabe entered the scene, and eyed how Lars was holding me, "Put the boy down he saved my bloody life! And protected that precious map of yours!"

Lars continued to hold me but stayed silent. He slowly released me so my feet were flat on the ground again. He reluctantly let go and I slammed his map against his hard chest, "Your bloody welcome," I hissed.

I couldn't be too mad, since he was right about everything he guessed. He was just starting to annoy me. I put my shoulders back and walked out of the dark, cold room. Before I went up the stairs, Gabe put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile and a nod of his head. I smiled in return, thankful for his appreciation and left the two pirates.


"One strike here, two strikes there... I was magnificent!" Michael gleamed as he reenacted his fighting skills with a wooden poll.

I laughed in amusement as I watched the boy bounce about the kitchen, his light blonde hair falling in his eyes.

"And you! I saw the way you shot that pirates foot and clunked him with the pistol. Brilliant! I got to admit, I didn't think you had it in ya," Michael said as he finally sat down.

"And what does that mean," I said.

"Ah, your new. I would've thought you were going to stay put down below."

That's what I should've done, I reluctantly thought, replaying the captains demeaning eyes staring into my soul.

We went about getting dinner ready and soon enough the whole crew was eating in the hall. Joyous tales and laughter filled the room as everyone gleamed about their recent win. The rivals had retreated and surrendered soon after I went down to hide in the barrel.

"Gentlemen," Captain Lars said as he stepped into the loud room. Everybody immediately went silent at the sight of him.
I turned my head slightly, confused at the man before me. He took confidant and solid steps across the wooden floor with his chin up and his eyes gleaming. His voice sounded almost upbeat... your eyes couldn't look anywhere but him. His whole being had transformed into a charismatic leader.

"You filthy pirates were brilliant today, our victory was easy. Everybody take a second beer tonight," Lars said.

Shouts and laughter filled the air again as soon as Lars was finished. Before he turned to exit the room, his eyes found mine, and a millisecond later, he was gone. No scowl... but no approval was apparent in those dark eyes. I shrugged. He wasn't worth my time.

"Lee you sly dog! I didn't know you had that in ya!" Gabe said, putting a hand around my shoulder.

His bright eyes glistened in the candle lit room as his bright personality lit up mine.

"Why does everybody keep saying that? Do I really look that weak??" I laughed and playfully hit his arm.

"Nah, I don't know what it is about you. You just seem... timid."

Timid... that wasn't a good word for people to be using to describe me. My stomach twisted a bit. 

"I want to apologize, on the captains behalf for his ridiculous behaviour. For him to be treating a good worker like that, I don't know what's wrong with him. What was he going on about anyway?" Gabe asked, alluding to the incident right after the fight.

"He's just really protective about that map. I was trying to protect it, it seemed like a smart thing to do. He was just going on about it like I shouldn't of even touched it," I sighed, being partially truthful. It wasn't a lie... I did want to protect it! For my own reasons...

"I would just forget about it if I were you. Don't worry, your part of the crew now mate," Gabe said and bounced off in another direction.

As he left I felt a tinge of guilt... Gabe and Michael really did think of me as one of their mates. Here I was using them and their crew just for my gain, to try and find Atlantis. I closed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair.

I decided to go up to my bunk to get some much needed sleep. I was about to jump in my hammock when I stopped in my tracks... Captain Lars was looking at me with the cruelest snarl. He was holding my fathers journal.

// hope you guys liked this chapter! Finished it on my break at work so I might have some errors that I will edit later :)

What do you guys think of Gabe and Lars and their contrasting opinions of Lee? //

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