How you first meted

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You've known Aoba since you were little and have been friends for years.

You've also known Koujaku since you were little and have been friends for years.

You meted Mink one day when you were getting your Kokum (Gandma in Native American/Canadian) her medicine and some guy from a gang called Morphine try to rap you and Mink stoped him by punching him out. " Thank you" you say looking at him still shacking " Whatever kid" he said walking away leaving you stunned after you shuck your head run back home.

You met  Noiz during a Rhyme battle when he was battling your friend who forested you to come and watch her win. Even tho you didn't know mush about Rhyme she still made you come watch her win but Noiz deffened her in a matter of minutes then the cops showed up and everyone was running and you ended up bubbling into Noiz who grabbed your hand and ran into the ally next to you. When he finely stopped running and let go of your hand " What was that for" you ask          " If we did run they'd get us" he said walking away " Who are you " you ask "Noiz" he says without even turning around and runs off. You leave as well when you do get home you call your friend and give her an ear full.

Late one night you couldn't sleep so you wint on a walk as you were walking you stop when you hered someone singing when the singing stops you start walking again when someone jumps off the building next to you. " Oh my god are you ok" you ask running up to him and kneeling down next to him " Yes I am fine" he said sitting up " Are you sure you just fell off a 20ft building" you say worried he is hurt. " Yes I am, I'm Clear and how are you" he ask facing you and you see that he's wearing a gas mask " I'm (Y/n) and it's nice to meet you Clear" you said smiling as Clear gets up and helps you up too. " Are sure you not hurt" you ask one last time " Yes I'm sure thank you for worrying about me, you should go home now good bye (Y/n)" Clear said as he walked away opening an anbrela and you head home.

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