Chapter 4

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Even in the dim light of the approaching nightfall Izzy was captured by Axl's beautiful eyes as he gazed at him. Izzy immediately reached for him and pulled Axl tight against his chest and nuzzled his neck breathing in his sweet intoxicating aroma into his lungs.

"My Axl." The words were awkward on his tongue. It was the first time he had ever said them out loud.

Axl nervously put his arms around the taller man's shoulders. "Y-your Axl?" he stammered.

"My Axl." This time he stated it clearly, confidently. "I can't believe you're in my arms. You don't know how long I've dreamed of this."

"I do." Axl whispered into Izzy's ear. "Show me your face."

Izzy pulled back to rested their foreheads together and gently ran his fingertips over the red stubbly beard. Noses touching lightly, Izzy inched forward until he felt Axl's warm breath against his lips leaving their lips almost, but not quite, meeting. He was thirsting to kiss those lips. He could easily bridge the gap between them, but he didn't. The action of not kissing was more sensual than a kiss.

His dream came true so suddenly he wasn't sure if he could push their relationship forward that fast.

"It's like you don't have much experience in dating." Axl laughed.

The open invitation was too much for Izzy to hold back. He shoved his tongue into Axl's open and willing mouth. The soft caressing of tongues quickly turning into a hot, messy, sloppy kiss. Izzy ran his fingertips down the other man's chin until they rested against the delicate vein in his neck. Axl let out a soft moan in reply.

They broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes while they panted softly. Izzy leaned back in toward Axl once he caught his breath, Axl moved his head away to ward off a second kiss. Instead he dropped his head to rub his cheek against Izzy's collarbone.

"I think maybe it's time to stop and think." Axl said quietly, resting against Izzy.

"Mhm?" Izzy kissed the hair whorl and waited for Axl to follow up on the comment. His brown dreadlocks fell against and mingled with the red hair as he put his cheek on his boy's head. Axl didn't say anything. He just heaved a sigh.

"What is it? Tell me whatever it is you want. All the matters to me right now is that you're with me." Izzy ran his fingers lightly across Axl's high cheekbones. "You know there's nothing I want more than this."

Axl didn't respond to the words. He tucked in his chin and mumbled a "That tickles."

The deep breath Axl drew in was the sound of him making up his mind about something. Izzy didn't know what the man in his arms was trying to say but he gently held him until his back stiffened.

When Axl finally spoke he had his eyes fixed on the floor, determined to not to look at the taller man who was trying to make eye contact with him. "Why don't we forget about this? We should just stay the childhood friends we have always been. And- and-"

He took another deep breath.

"Nothing happened." He said it under his breath and closed his trembling lips tightly.

Izzy gasped in surprise and confusion. Did Axl just say "Nothing Happened?" Why the hell would they force themselves to stupidly play at being best friends for the rest of their lives? Axl blamed Izzy for not speaking up about his feelings. Now that they knew their love was no longer unrequited- clearly Axl wanted this as much as Izzy did- he was suddenly saying he wanted to act as though "nothing happened"?

Izzy peered down at the man who kissed him back passionately just minutes ago. "That doesn't work, dear." He could see a teardrop forming in the corner of Axl's eye.

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