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I REMEMBERED IT CLEARLY LIKE watching a memory, it was raining, that day I was a transferee at a new school my Father wanted me to go to from the start. it was hard for me, considering I was the new kid and to add up to my unfortunate life, I’ m a little ‘unique’ as what I’d ‘like’ to call it.

                I walked through the corridor slowly, watching my every step until I reached my destination which is supposed to be my new classroom. I inhaled sharply, nervous to the point I can’t even my breath. Slowly and cautiously, I opened the door.

                A Group of eyes landed on me the minute my presence came to view, I straightened my gaze to the teacher, ignoring their stares. I was late and my Papa didn’t even bother to give me a ride, he never has the chance to be my Papa anyway, always at work, even in our house, he almost never leaves his office.

                “So, this must be our new student, C’mere young Lady” I inhaled again and took steps forward until I’m beside the teacher. “Can You Introduce yourself?” the teacher said and urged me to face them, as expected, I thought my voice was going to squeak but I managed it. “My name’s Alyanna Reese, Pleasure to meet you all” I expected him to let me seat but, “Can you share some of your hobbies?” I stood frozen in my spot, clearly taken aback and I heard some snickers, noticeably they saw what a weird look I just made. The teacher shh them, I cleared my throat. “Uhmm, I like to play an,” I paused, not wanting to tell “…Instrument”

                The teacher seemed like he wasn’t going to let go of the topic easily so I quickly took my seat at the back which only caused some more snicker to come out. The teacher then cleared his throat, maybe a little embarrassed that I didn’t let him finish and he continued the Lesson that has been interrupted.

                I ducked my head, ignoring their stares that are currently burning a hole through my head, “Psst...” I heard someone called, the voice of the teacher beginning to blur when I focused my attention to the one who called me.

                I looked up and was shock, unexpectedly making an ‘eeep’ sound when I came face to face with a guy, who couldn’t? When he’s smiling a little too cheekily. Good thing my odd sound isn’t loud enough to be heard.

                “What?” I managed to blurt out a word to his face, scratch that, to his peculiar face. He smiled goofily which kind of freaked me out. “What’s your name? I can’t actually hear you up there “He asked, spinning his pencil. A little hesitantly, I replied, “…Alyanna”


“No. Alyanna” he stared at me blankly for a few seconds, “…with a Y” I added.

The smile came back, “Wanna know mine?” I was not expecting that kind of statement, he’s a little weird, I figured. “Sure?” it came out like a question, he opened his mouth to answer but it was cut by the teacher’s scowl.

“Mr. Laine, wanna share something with the class?” the whole class looked at us as I straightened my back, while ‘Mr. Laine’ smiled his what-I-think-he-does-a-lot smile, “No sir, I’m good” then the teacher look at us, a warning I thought. The teacher’s attention was focused on the lesson again, “Psst…” yet again, he clearly doesn’t understand the situation, I just transferred here and already, I’m being warned on my first class.

“What?” I hissed under my breath, I was starting to get annoyed but managed to contain it. “Be my friend” that was all he said and before I could utter a word, he focused his attention to the teacher, I looked at his profile, well, to be more specific, his back. His brownish hair was a bit scruffy, in a good way, and his shoulder blades were flexing as he was trying to suppress his laughter.

“What’s funny?” I asked before I could stop myself. He looked back at me, the smile spreading. He pointed the teacher’s head, at first it seems like nothing’s wrong but then I squinted my eyes, only to see the teacher’s supposedly ‘true’ hair is flying from the stand fan beside him. Before I knew it, both of us are trying to stifle our laughter, sharing a secret joke I never thought I’d do on my first day.

The first two classes ended, which means lunch break, and there’s me, trying to ignore the stares and gossips, being the new kid, I thought. I managed though, with him beside me, talking non-stop about how his mum once tried to make him wear a reindeer suit at a Christmas family portrait when he was like in eight-grade which made me chuckle, then something click as we were heading to the cafeteria.

I stopped walking. He doesn’t notice at first until he walked further, feet away from each other. He looked back, “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“What’s your name?”  I looked at him intently, and he stared back at me for a couple of seconds, then he turned his back, heading to the cafeteria doors. Instead of saying his name, “You’ll figure it out soon!” he called back, walking further away. He seems weird and mysterious but much to my amazement, I don’t care, I’m weird too, especially ‘unique’, I rolled my eyes at that word.

“Wait up!” I jogged to his figure, which was waiting on the door to the cafeteria.

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