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I CLOSED THE DOOR BEHIND ME, and then the living room came to view. I headed to the stairs, I climbed up. When I was almost at the top my Papa called me, “Yana!” the same time I was halfway to taking a step but the shout surprised me causing my body to shake, losing control of my balance and bumped my head directly at the stair I was going to step on.

                He peeked his head when I didn’t call back, “Watcha doing there kiddo?” he asked, I was kneeling on the stair, holding my nose and grunting in pain. “I was, uh, never mind” I got up and headed down. “What’s up?” I said, not really knowing what to say.

This, Papa calling me, and him not at his office is a rare occurrence that clearly I wasn’t prepared for. “Nothing, wanna have dinner? I prepared lasagna” I noticed too, his right cheek and his tie has a smudged of sauce. “Uh, sure” then we both went to the dining room.

The kitchen was a mess, clearly Papa struggled to prepare our dinner. I sat down on the other side of the table while he was on the other. When we both looked at the table, only the silverware was on it. “Oops, forgot to bring the lasagna” he went to the kitchen and brought back the dish.

We ate in silence but to my amazement, he broke it off. “So, how’s school?” he asked while grabbing a bite. “Uhmm, I got a friend” I’m not sure if I’m going to bring up that my friend’s a ‘he’ and he’s weird and mysterious.

“Good, very good… so, how’s my dish?” I’m guessing he’s striking for a conversation which I’m also not prepared for. “It’s…” I pause, thinking of an appropriate word, “Great.” I answered.

“Good” then the rest of the dinner was both awkward and very silent.

I WOKE UP AT THE BUZZ OF my alarm clock. I was not in the bed, then I remembered I slept while doing my homework when I felt my neck’s sore from the position. I headed to the bath room, I washed my face and wiped it with a towel. I stared at my reflection for a couple of seconds, I sighed then opened the medicine drawer and glared at the empty bottles, I snatched what I need and ate it, not bothering to drink a glass of water. I then went downstairs, surprised ‘cause I saw my Papa in the living room, “Ready to go?” he asked while doing his tie, I nodded. I grabbed a granola bar before we went out and locked the door.

I waved as he turned his car and went off, leaving me standing there as I watched his car disappear from my view. “Alyanna!” someone called, I turned my head and my eyes widen when someone put his arm in my shoulder, nearly knocking me down from the force plus the weight.

I sighed when it was Laine, “Oh it’s you”

“Yep, it’s me” he popped the ‘P’ and smiled at me. We headed to our first class, the bald teacher yesterday was Sir Greg, and it was pitiful how he keeps brushing his hair. Laine informed me about that.

“I have been meaning to ask you this,” he paused as I raised an eyebrow. “I want to call you other than your true name? Is it okay? Wait, we’re friends right?” he was looking at me like he was hoping he’ll hear what he want. “Sure, we’re friends,” I said then he gave me his trademark smile.

“Can I call you Ann?”Or yan? I don’t know, you’re name’s a little unique” I jerked my head the minute he said that word but I handled and regained my composure. “Just call me Yanna”

“Yanna…” he studied it, calling my name a number of times like he was practicing it. “It’s cute” he said and smiled again at me. I found myself flushing a little bit, I cleared my throat. “So what should I call you? All I know is that you’re last name is Laine”

The smile was gone for a second, but it came back after, but this time it didn’t reach his eyes. “Laine’s not bad, a little girly for my taste but just call me that” I nodded slowly just as the bell rang. We grabbed our textbooks and went to class together.

I was looking through the window this time, looking at the clouds as they passed by. Sir Greg didn’t bother to lecture us today, he’s making us read the book Hamlet silently. I looked at lane that’s in front of me, he looks like he’s in deep thought as he buried his head in the book.

I stifled a smile as I watched him, in my peripheral view, I saw the redhead looking in our direction and when I looked at her, she turned her head. I furrowed my brows in confusion, the bell rang and I blinked my eyes, I looked at the unopened book in my desk as Sir Greg’s announcing that, pop quiz tomorrow, about hamlet.

I put the book in my bag, I’m going to read this later. We went to the cafeteria, and the stares are starting to get to me. I was curious a little more by the minute. We put down our trays, I was having what Laine called ‘Grassy’ and I called his ‘Trashy’.

“Hey douche!” I heard someone called, this time it wasn’t the same jock but just a guy with his friends who’re laughing at us. I turned to Laine, he’s been quiet and I know he’s trying to hold his temper. I placed my hand gently on his, and he looked up, maybe a little taken aback.

I nodded at him and started to get up. He stopped me, holding my wrist. “What are you planning?” his tone is serious and demanding but I shook it off. I won’t say ‘teach this guy a lesson’ ‘because he’ll probably stop me, period.

I went to their table, and they laughter subsided, I stared at them for a while, standing still even though the hole cafeteria went silent and I heard Laine coming but he stopped behind me, I ignored Laine and stared at them for a while.

“Take it back” I said to the guy with much confidence I could muster. His face look smug and I was starting to feel the heat in my face from anger. Lane grabbed me by the elbow, and whispered in my ear, “It’s not worth it, let’s go” but again, I ignored him.

“Take it back” I repeated, my tone rising. He stood up facing me then he smirked “Or what?” his tone was challenging, “Or this,” I heard gasps coming from the people who watched, maybe one of the gasp was from Laine and I also heard mine when he was now curled like a ball on the ground.

 I kicked him in his ‘valuable treasure’

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