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AS I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO take a break from all those whispering, it gets worse the minute we entered the cafeteria but ‘Mr. Laine’ here looks like he was used to it, that only made me more curious about him.

                We grabbed a table after we got our food. I only picked the apple juice and a salad sandwich while he grabbed practically the whole menu. We sat down. Still, some were still ogling us like we were some kind of freak show, which only made me think more.

                I took a bite of my sandwich while he looked like he was attempting to swallow it whole. “What’s up with your food? Are you in a healthy diet? Go grab something ‘junky’, live your life, you’re still young for god’s sake” he preached after he did swallow the food.

                “I’m good” I said then took another bite. “Hey! Weirdo!” we looked up, my eyes landed on one of the jocks and noticed that he was looking at us. Her girlfriend I think stopped him while his other friends were trying to hold their laughter.

                I looked at Laine, and then turned to his hand which is squeezing the life out of my juice, his knuckles turning white. “Uhmm…” I don’t know what to say to him, he blinked then looked at his hand. “Oh, sorry about that, I’ll get you another one” he said a little too quickly. I was going to resist but he got up already and went to the vending machine.

                I also noticed I’m the only person he’s talking to. A couple of minutes have passed, he came back. Plastering a smile over his face he handed me the juice. “Thanks”

“No, thank you” he said to me, I furrowed my brows in confusion. He must’ve seen my reaction because he chuckled, “Never mind, I’m socially awkward” no shit, Sherlock.

                The day ended so quickly than I’d have thought. Lane and I have the last class different; he was taking biology while I was in physics. The bell rang and I bolted out of my seat. The door I’m only targeting but I was blocked by a brunette girl, “Free advice, don’t come near him” before I could utter a response, she walked out.

                Is she referring to Laine? We didn’t bump each other after class

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