Flat 26

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This is the first time I felt mad at you and myself at the same time . Surely , I shouldn't have read your messages and I might act childish and jealous but I'm getting that old feeling that drives me crazy. It's strongly related to fear, the fear of losing you because after all I've been throught that would turn me into ruins for a while.
I have become overly attached to you, I admit that. Maybe I shouldn't have but it comes way too natural, I just can't stop giving you all the time, attention and love that I can. Some people suffer from this, as I don t spend as much time with them , nor give them attention.
I don't know what do you really expect from me , from us but I have seen that love scares you. Love hurts, I know that , but no matter how badly it hurts it will always be way more beautiful than any other kind of fucked up relationships that we have gotten into and it will never spoil the grace of the thing that we have.
As I'm cooling of by myself on a bench in this city that has brought us closer by drifting us appart , overthinking almost everything , I realise that you could replace me anytime and I must really fight for you. And I accept that as a challenge , because my feelings for you are strong cause it's like we've been together for a lifetime , but baby every soldier gets tired of war eventually. And maybe I could replace you too, I could find someone else with the same body that turns me on just by looking at , the same lips that I could kiss 24/24 , the same skin that I wanna feel on mine the same amount of time , the same brilliant and twisted mind that has gotten me attracted to you in the first time.
Could I find the same girl that I love, the same you?

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