Late notice

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I need to be alone with my thoughts about you right now so bad. But I'm gonna get back to you , at least psihically , and I'll tell you later what's on my mind. I know I could and should tell you this things, not write them here. And you just took away my mood for writing . So I guess you won't find out what i've wanted to tell you, cause I can't say these things in your face. Some words just won't come out of my mouth, but they come from the soul.

I wanted to get you something before I left, something that would remind you of me. I wanted to leave something here for you, beside my heart. But I hope it is enough.

Being alone makes me get to the same ideea that keeps running on and on in my head and makes me feel empty inside. Maybe I do overthink too much.
I just can't get enough of you. Of your sweet embrace , of your beautifull face that I can't stop looking at. Everytime I lay alone in bed you just pop in my head like "Hey! Did you miss me?" . I close my eyes and try to thing of something else, but you're still there. It gets hard ,  you know, thinking about you being close to me when you ain't. For now I can't really think of how I'll spend more than a few days without you , I can't even imagine it. One thing it's certain, that I'll fall asleep thinking of you and wake up powered by the thought that days will pass and we'll be together again.
Damn , this shit hasn't even started yet and I already feel it. So I wanna enjoy every single second that I get to spend with you. Every morning when I wake up by your side and see how amazing you look sleepy and natural. Every kiss that we have ,  because my lips are gonna burn the whole summer for the taste of yours. Every bit of your skin that I get to touch, cause my hands won't touch that feeling of home. Your voice. Your voice that can make me feel like I have the whole world at my feet ,  that makes me find peace. I'm gonna miss you singing , babe.
I really don't want to make you feel the same way I do , so maybe you'll find about this later someday.

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