New friend

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Over the past few days, mirrors had been acting weird around Sora. At first he was scare, then he was curious, now he was plain annoyed. He wanted to know what was happening and he wanted to know now. Thus the reason why he had been staring at his reflection in the mirror for the past 2 hours.

" What am I doing? This is ridiculous " the brunet gave a long last stare at his reflexion, he was about to leave and give up when the mirror got blurry and was doing a pebble affect as if it was made out of water.

Meanwhile on the other side of the mirror...

Ventus was freak out beyond believe. Whatever he saw at Roxas' room was not normal. He needed to know what was happening to put his mind at ease.

So here he was outside his brother's room, his twin was not home so this was the perfect opportunity to investigate. He gave a deep breath and open the door. As soon as he enter he notice the mirror was doing the pebble effect again. It took all his courage for him not to leave in a frenzy.

As soon as it ended an image of a boy appear. He had brown spiky hair, and surprisingly he look a lot like Roxas.

"Wow it actually worked" the brunet said

"What?" Ven ask

"Oh! It's you again" the boy gave him a warm smile, it kinda made Ven's fear go away and it was also familiar somehow.

"Again?" He asked confuse

"Yeah I saw you last time this happen, remember?"

"but this is the f-... Oh! That was probably my twin brother! I'm ventus, Ven for short"

"I'm Sora, nice to meet ya. Soooo by any chance you wouldn't happen to know why is this happening?" The brunet asked hopefully

"Not a clue" this disappointed Sora, when Ven saw his expression a big sense of déjà vu overwhelmed him, and before giving them a chance to say something else the mirror decided to end their conversation. It went back to normal just as if it had never happen.

"That was something, pretty weird. But I wonder why it felt so familiar" with his brain full of questions, he made his way to the kitchen. Where he found Roxas looking for ice cream.

"Don't even try, you ate the last one yesterday" Ven told his brother. Roxas turn around and gave him a very disappointed face. "OMG! That's the same exact face Sora made!" Now it all made sense to Ventus, the reason why it felt so familiar to talk to Sora was because he made the same expressions Roxas made, which was weird because not even he was able to make them, and he was his twin!

"What are you talking about?" Now his brother was looking as him as if he had gone insane. Which was a highly possible by now.

"The boy in the mirror made that same face! He also looks just like you! I cannot believe it, is he your clone or something! And why didn't you tell me you saw him!?" Ven said this really fast Roxas could hardly keep up.

"Ventus your drunk go to bed"

"I am not! Now stop playing around I'm serious here" he exclaimed.

Sora's side of the mirror.....

"What are you doing?" A really annoyed Vanitas asked.

"Trying to see if I can talk to Ven" Sora answer poking the mirror. He was at the moment poking Vanitas' it's mirror, which was place in his room. You see, the brunet had gone from mirror to mirror wondering if he could make them work, so far it was a complete fail, not to mention his family now thought he was crazy. Vanitas was about to tell him how idiotic this all was, when Sora fell unconscious.

Through the looking glassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora