Chapter 3

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Bennett's pov

Her strong vanilla scent hits me hard. Like it always does. Her long black hair tickles my fingers wrapped around her small yet curvy waist. Fuck I missed her, more than I'll ever admit of course. I missed how she fit perfectly against my big body, how she always knew when something was wrong or what I was thinking. Or even the more simple stuff, like how she always bit her lip, which drives me insane, when she was confused, or even how she was always so simple yet so classy.

Clare is the most beautiful creature that I have ever laid my eyes on. With her long lashes that cover her cheekbones when she's sleeping. Even the way she can smoke but yet still look so innocent while doing it.

Nineteen years ago my parents moved to this small little town called Smallville. My sister and I weren't born yet, so it was easy for them to move. My mother wanted to move because she never really fit in with the bigger crowds, and my father wanted to live near his family. So they moved to Smallville, where the population was between 400 to 500 people, and my father's brother and his wife live.

Nine months later the most muscular, hot jock was born, in other words, me! I know I'm a sexy modest guy.

My cousin is a year younger than me but circumstances made him act like an adult. Shawn has been through enough to know that it is pointless to think that anything good ever came out of something bad, well that is what he believes anyway. I'm not so sure though ...

There were three houses on the street my parents' new house was located. One was our home, the one nextdoor was my father's brothers best friends', and then my cousins'.

Our neighbors wife was pregnant with her first child, the same time mom was pregnant with me. And as cliché as it sounds, we were also born on the same day. Our family album was filled with pictures of our two moms laying side by side with me and Clare in their arms. So it is safe to say, we were friends before we were born.

Thali and Shawn was also born in the same year and my little sister is about a year older than Clare's, who is about 7. I don't think that the fact that everyone is born with someone else in the same year is a coincidence though. Because I mean EVERY ONE of us kids has someone...

Since Shawn and I could walk and talk, whenever someone hurt either one of the three girls (Thalia, Clare and Marissa), we were there to comfort them. And vice versa, believe it or not but a few years ago this girl that Shawn dated cheated on him and then tried to ruin his and Thali's friendship. Thali, who was never scared of consequences, took matters into her own hands and punched the girl. Even if she nearly broke her wrist and the girls jaw, she walked away hand in hand with Shawn and the biggest smile I've ever seen.

The way those two are around each other, so much more alive, so much more confident was astounding. How their personalities cancelled out the worst in each other was even more beautiful.

And I think that is exactly how Clare and I's relationship is. But with us, the lines have always been blurry, ever since she kissed me when we were both turning five. She was my first kiss, and your first kiss is the best thing ever.

That is why the words that left her mouth next broke my heart, no not broke, but shattered my heart into splinters. Splinters that was alive and crawling, leaving small paper like cuts in its wake.

(Thalia's POV)

After a long day of traveling, and reunions with my best friends and the boy I like, we finally get to be normal teenagers again and watch movies.

There is this vibe in the atmosphere between Bennett and Clare that is really unusual for them. Everything is just tense between them. I can remember this morning how she looked out the window as if she was preparing for some kind of battle or fight, I don't know which though. Usually they would sit near each other and talk amongst themselves but here they are, sitting on opposite ends of the couch.

If I'm more awake I would ask her, and I certainly would have appreciated Shawn's strong arms more if I'm not drifting into a peaceful sleep.


This is a bit of a filler chapter, the next few will also be, cause I want to go more back actually really introducing the characters.

What do you think Clare said to Bennett?

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Much appreciated
-love A

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