chapter 2

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**Lily's POV**
We were surrounded by this Pretty colour smoke. Then suddenly we were all stacked on top of everyone. "Oww! Fred Get of my leg!" Yelled Roxanne. "Hugo Stop pulling my hair!" said Victoire. "YOU IDIOT JAMES. IF MUM DOSEN'T KILL YOU FIRST I WILL. YOU BROKE DAD'S TIME TURNER!" I yelled.
"I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A TIME TURNER!" James yelled back. Teddy taped me and James on the shoulder and we stopped arguing once we realised that we were surrounded by a lot of adults and people who looked like our parents but teenagers, were staring at us. "Escuse me sir, but what is today's date?" Asked Victoire. "August 10th 1995. Why?" Asked a guy who looked like a guy that looked like Sirius from Dad's old photos. "JAMES! YOU TOOK US US BACK INTO THE PAST!" I yelled at james.
"Lily, you need to calm down!" James Aurgued back. We kept auguing untill Teddy and Victoire grabbed us and separated us so we would stop arguing. "Sorry about them. They usually argue." Apologized Teddy.
"Who are you Guys and Where did you come from?" Asked Remus.
" You Probley won't believe us,  but were are from the future." Said Rose. Kingsley go and get dumbledore." Said Remus. And soon Kingsley was gone. "How do we know you arn't Death Eaters?" Questioned Mad Eye. "Mad eye. They are just kids." Said someone who looked like a young version of Grandma. Soon a new wizerd arived. He had moon speticals, a crocked nose, long grey hair and a long grey beard and blue Wizerd Robes. "Hello, My name is Albus Dumbledore. I have been notified that you are from the future. Am i right?" Asked Dumbledore. We all nodded.
"Just so we know you are telling the truth, we will get one of you to take this veritaserum, so we know you are telling the truth." Dumbledore said. Teddy went forwards and volunteered to take it.
"First question, are you all really from the future?" Remus Asked.
"Yes." Teddy answered.
"Can we trust you?" Remus Asked.
"yes, but be careful of Fred, James and Roxanne. They like to pull pranks." Teddy answered. I had to try and hide my laugh at what he said. I looked over at James and he had a look that said "Hey!"
"Well, i guess it's time for some introductions." Said Dumbledore with a twinkle in his eyes.

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