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NEW STORY!!! So I really hope that you guys like it and this is definitely one of my favourite stories that I am writing right now so please please give it a chance <3 Love all you fans! 



         "What is this?" I stared at the contraption that Sam and Dean would use to fight off demons.

         "You mean to tell me you've never ridden a motorbike before?"

         This was a motorbike? It was taller than me.

         "I don't even know how to turn on a coffee machine, do you really think I'd know how to ride a motorbike?"

         "Get on." 

         "I don't really think that's safe, I mean it has only two wheels and you know how I feel about things with two wheels or any wheels really, besides why do we need to get on a motorcycle couldn't we just walk to where you want me to go?"

         "Rambling won't distract me."

         "I still think walking is the sensible option."

         "Now where is the fun in sensible?" He tossed me a helmet before patting the seat behind him.

         "Can't I just meet you there?"

         "Get on the bike princess."

         "I still stand by walking." 

         "Come on, you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't take a chance." I muttered as I hobbled over to the bike clutching onto his waist for dear life.

         "When did you get so insightful?" He chuckled before the engine roared to life.

Until The End [2016]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt