T w o : Millington Meadow

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Hai :) So I've decided to finally start uploading this story on a regular basis along with VOWS <3 I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter! 


Millington Meadow

"So what did you do last night" I turned and saw my best, and only, friend Elisha emerging from the post weekend sludge crowd.

My thoughts flashed to Haiden drunkly singing on my front porch, the awkward exchange this morning, his introduction to my dog.

"Nothing, I just hung at home." I wanted to avoid telling her about Haiden's crash at my house. I'd never hear the end of it.

"Look, I've got to head to class, see you later." I slung my bag against my shoulder and started heading towards class.

I entered my English class taking a seat in the very back corner, because the further away the less they'll notice you. I was about to plug my earphones in, when Haiden crashed into the class—like crazy on wheels.

"Well Mr. Donte, thank you for gracing us with your presence."

"Not a problem Mrs. Morrow." He winked, inducing a blush to creep up our sixty-year-old English teacher.

Like I said, no one with a pulse can resist his charms.

"Please take a seat next to Ms. Patience."

Why? Why is this happening to me.

I tilted my head downwards and lifted my hood further around my face, determined to remain invisible for the rest of the class.

"Alright class, we're going to be starting a class project today. It's going to be the final project that you guys will be doing for your senior year, which obviously indicates that it shall be worth a lot of your final grade. I expect nothing less than excellence, and the topic is going to be emotional maturity."

Immediately groans and whines filled the classroom.

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"Couldn't we do it on sports?"

"Can I quit life?"

"Class enough. As you are all finishing up your senior year it is time to start thinking about becoming an adult. What is going to be like? What is your future going to be like? This project is going to be more useful than you probably think it shall be."

Emotional maturity? This topic already didn't sound like fun to do. I never understood why such a weird topic was picked for the senior year project. Last year they got "tidal waves".

"Make it good people. Your partners are going to be the people you're sitting with."

Seriously? What is happening?

"So uh—what do you want to do?" I turned slightly watching as an uncomfortable look glazed over Haiden's features.

"Uh—look, I don't really—" Great. Just what I needed, another guy who couldn't spend five minutes to flip through a book

"Um—look, don't worry about it. I'll do the work and then you can just put your name on the project, okay?"

I didn't want to do this, I despised doing the work and putting someone's name on it. I mean is there anyone that enjoys doing all the work? It's the epitome of annoying and pet peeves. However, I didn't want to spend any more time than necessary with Haiden and by the looks on his face it looks like he doesn't quite want to either.

Until The End [2016]Where stories live. Discover now