T h r e e : Close Your Eyes and Dream of Ice Cream

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Just as a quick note, this story takes place in the second half of the semester, so from January to May/June :)

Close Your Eyes and Dream Of Ice Cream

"Do you want to get ice cream?"


"You know that cold thing people usually eat during the summertime to cool off?"

"It's January."

"Well ice cream could still be good in the winter time. Besides it's not even that cold" I was currently standing in an empty hallway with Haiden trying to convince him to get ice cream with me.

It took me awhile, I had to wait for his group of friends to head off to class and then I had to wait for the rest of the student body to head off to class, and then I had to make sure I actually had enough nerve to actually ask him.

"It's like negative two degrees outside."

"It'll still be delicious."

"Why are you asking me again? Don't you have like a library to be at or a study session to lead?"

Wow. Talk about stereotypes.

"Oh I'm sorry don't you have a gang to join or a detention to go to?" He blankly stared at me.

"Okay sorry, mine was a little extreme."

"Just a bit." He smirked, before continuing to grab things out of his locker.

He got over it fast.

"Well I was thinking that since it was Friday we could work on the project some more and just have a treat while we work on it? Come on, just close your eyes and dream of ice cream—it's beautiful." I pleaded.

The truth is, I really wanted ice cream and I needed someone to drive me to Dunphy's. Elisha was home sick today, but it just so happens that I really needed my fix of ice cream.

"Okay tell me the truth, why do you want me to go with you?"

"I need a ride." I mumbled.

"Sorry what?"

"I need a ride." I spoke a little louder.


"I NEED A RIDE." I practically screamed in his ear.

"Ow, what the hell, did you need to blow my ear out?"

"Hey you asked for it buddy." I smirked.

"Well are you going to give me a ride or not?"

"And why should I give you a ride?"

"Well I'm great, really funny, super sensitive, and love long walks on the beach."

"Ha ha, you're so funny, if I give you a ride will you buy me a cone?"

"Uh I guess so, but only one topping and don't get funny with the sundaes, banana splits, or speciality cones."

"Okay, okay you're the boss." He raised his hands up and chuckled before walking away.

Total success.

+ - + - + -

"So this is your car?" I was staring at a big Ford truck that could probably carry two mini coopers.

"Yes, and now remind me where did your car suddenly go?"

"I don't know how to drive." I mumbled into my jacket collar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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