The Beginning

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"Beep beep beep beep" The familiar sound of the alarm pounded into the young woman's ears. She groaned and squinted at the digital display of the alarm clock.  10:00 am. "Kayla you're not going to bum around the house all day, you're not a kid anymore" Kayla's mom Called from downstairs. She was right she wasn't a kid anymore. Twenty long years she'd been in this world living with her parents it was pretty embarrassing. 

Most of the time all Kayla wanted to do is watch things with Dane Dehaan in and make art. Dane Dehaan, the thought of him made her swoon. She wasn't a fangirl. It wasn't like she wanted his children or anything equally creepy, she was just a fan who saw the beauty in him.

kayla dragged herself down into the kitchen. she'd better go out just the keep her parents happy. Quickly swiping her phone unlocked to check Instergram as she munched on the cereal waiting for her on the breakfast table. " You need to get a proper Job" Here we go. "Mom, I'm an artist" she said for what felt like the thousandth time. "Yeah well being an artist doesn't pay the bills." It will do one day she muttered"

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