The day after

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Merlin's POV:

last night couldn't have happened but sadly it did, now i feel like i can no longer trust anyone including Arthur and what scares me the most is i even feel like i can't trust my brother or even any of the other knights well worst off not even giaus. The tears haven't stopped all night as i just sat in my bed knees pulled up to my chest trying to keep quite so i don't wake giaus up, as i sit on my bed i thought crosses my mind that i can longer live and work in Camelot any longer, i get up and walk over to my table and grab my ink and parchment and start to write letters to everyone to let them know i am quitting and leaving for good.

Dear: Lancelot and Gwen

As you are reading this i will no longer be in Camelot, this is the only way for me to say goodbye to you both for i fear if i do it in person i shall cry and never stop. My leaving as nothing to do with either of you just know that i love you both, Lancelot you are my brother i know that you love me but i fear this will be the last time you will see or hear from me again please don't try to come and  find me you won't be able to, i will miss you so much, where my very first friend here and for that i will always be thankful to you, please take good care of my brother you are the sister i never had and soon you will be my sister for life i trust you will do as i ask.
love always and forever

Dear: Giaus

Oh Giaus i wish i could do this in person but i can not by the time you read this i will be gone, please know that i have learned so much from you these past years, you are the father i never had. i love you so much dad i thought i should say that for i fear that i will never get to see you ever again.
Love your clumsy son

Dear: Leon,Percy and Elyan

My dear friend's i bid you a heart felt good, you where all like Big brother's too me i love each and everyone of you and just as i told Lancelot please don't try to find me.
Love your little brother in arms

Dear: Gwaine

I fear that no matter what i say i know you will try to come find me but please don't it will break my heart far to much. I have to confuse that i love you and i know that this is unfair to you to say this to you in a latter rather then in person.
Love you for the rest of my life

I know that this is will be a long shot for you may not remember last night, but after last night i can no longer work for you or even live in Camelot anymore. I can no longer look at you or even have you near me the echo's of last night live on in my mind. so please i beg of be please leave me be, Don't come looking for me for i will be lost from you forever. I did love you Arthur and i trusted you with my whole being now that love is not more and the trust is lost.
Love hate

and with the last letter written i begin to pack all my cloths and books, once i finish i begin to clean up the room for who ever takes the room after i am gone. After all is said and done i cast a small sleeping spell on the whole palace, i make it to the kitchen and pack enough food to last me for a few months than make my way to the stables i begin to ready my horse to leave and as i finish the last strap i begin to tear up as i think that this will be the last time i will ever see Camelot. I leave my horse and deliver each letter before getting on my horse and riding down to the lower town to deliver my last letter to Lancelot and Gwen. when i arrive and enter i am pleased to see the the sleeping spell is still working i set the letter and cast another spell to leave some purple flours for gwen and 300 coins as an early wedding gift as my parting gift for them. Once i am far enough from Camelot i remove the sleeping spell and race off with tears falling fast down my face leaving behind the people i love so much.

" Goodbye"

crap i am crying far to much

I hope you like this chapter

much love from Nova Scotia Canada
Mathew Horan

Word count:837   

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