why did you never tell me?

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Merlin's POV:

" merlin? can i talk to you alone outside?"

Just the way Arthur asked to talk to me alone outside has me feeling nervous, mum and Lancelot both look over at me with the same look,Fear written all over their faces. slowly i nod my head and Arthur and i both get up and walk over to the door, Arthur opens the door and lets me walk through first, once outside i hear the door close softly, I take this as a good sign that he's not angry at me if he's actually closing a door without slamming it shut like back in Camelot.

We walk away from the house so we can have some privacy away from the other's, i took him to a little brooke not too far away from home, we both took a seat on the ground, we just sat there for a good ten to fifteen minutes before Arthur decided to speak,"So while i was out, i seen something that has me confused" Arthur says rubbing the back of his neck," what did you see?" i ask looking at him.

" I seen a child a little boy" he says looking at me and realization dawned on me, Arthur had seen his son," that little boy is my son...sorry i mean our son" he says as he places his hand over top mine," yes... yes that was our son" i say as i remove my hand from under his.

" how was i able to see him? he's still growing within you" he asks with a slit frown on his face, this is the question i was fearing the most," Please don't hate me arthur" i whisper loud enough so he could hear me," what? why would i..." he begins to say but stops himself when he sees a bright ball of light floating in my hand, I can see that he is in shock," y...yo...you have magic?" he chocks out.

"Yes i do, i was born with it i have only ever used it for you, to help protect you" i say as i start to shake out of fear, i knew that i shouldn't have went so far from home, nothing is going to stop him if he decides to kill me here, we just sit there quite and the tension in the air is so thick you could cut throw it with a sword.

finally after a while arthur spoke" why did you never tell me?" he asks just above a whisper," i wanted to so many times i did but i didn't want you to have to choose between me and your father" i say looking down feeling ashamed.

finally after a while arthur spoke" why did you never tell me?" he asks just above a whisper," i wanted to so many times i did but i didn't want you to have to choose between me and your father" i say looking down feeling ashamed

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" Is that what you where worried about?" he asks me." Yes because you would have chopped my head off" i say and laugh a little bit, after i say that arthur gets this look on his face as he begins to think," i'm not sure what i would have done...No yes i do know, Merlin i would have chosen you" Arthur says once again taking my hand into his and places a soft kiss to the palm of my hand.
i can feel the tears start the build up in my eyes, i lower my head as single tear falls and lands on arthurs hand," Merlin? are you crying?" Arthur asks me, i don't say anything but sniff softly willing myself to stop crying but it doesn't work, a soft sob leaves me then another one this one was louder then the other.

my crying soon turned into laughter and find myself wrapping my arms around arthur in a tight hug, this surprises him for a second before he too hugs me back and i can feel him shacking with laughter as well.

when we pull back from the hug Arthur has a strange look on his face," Merlin if you have magic then why didn't you use it that night?" Arthur asks me," I couldn't use it against you, it's meant to protect you. even if i wanted to my magic wouldn't let me" i tell him as i feel a slit blush form on my cheeks.

 even if i wanted to my magic wouldn't let me" i tell him as i feel a slit blush form on my cheeks

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" I still do love you" I say once we both calm down a little more," Oh...I thought you hated me" arthur says looking me in the eyes," I did at first, but i just realized that anyone could have done it when they had far to much to drink." i say as i cup my hand on his face
his eyes close at the touch and leans into it, My heart swells with the love for Arthur i thought was lost.
Now i have the same problem i did back in camelot, I am in love with two people, One the prince of Camelot and the other a knight of Camelot, Now i have to choose one and break the other ones heart.

" So who all knows about your magic?" arthur asks me as he slowly grabs ahold of my right hand softly rubbing it," my mum and Lancelot and William and Giaus just those four know about my magic no one else" i say feeling my stomach flutter at saying that to Arthur and a small smile starts to form on my face. I lean forward and lightly kiss his cheek and feel myself blush again, for i know that its a gutsy move to kiss a prince first.

It must have been hours since we left the house but i felt in no rush to get back anytime soon," will you come back to Camelot with me Merlin?" Arthur asks running his fingers throw my hair." I don't think i can go back now, Camelot holds a bad memory for me to go back to i am sorry Arthur" i say as i close my eyes.

Arthur sighs" i will earn back your trust somehow merlin i swear i will do anything" he says softly before pressing a kiss to my head.

I'm so so so sorry for not updating this sooner
i have been busy

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter even if it is short

much love

Mathew Horan

word count: 1039   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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