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Friday July 15, 2073 (1:30 am)

                      Why? I mumbled as I kept my gaze focused on the slow moving ceiling fan. Sweat beads inched down my face as I listened to the hum of the neon lights. The only thing remotely giving this place a look of innocence. I sat up and peeled away the sheets that clung tightly to my body, and rubbed my eyes. Im sick of this hell hole. I moved closer to the window, but hopes that I could find some form of relief quickly vanished as the hot air filled my lungs. Screams could be heard in the distance along with gunshots and maniacal laughter, but it was never a surprise to me anymore. This was my life. Nothing that I could say or do would set me free from this disgusting world I was born into.

The people here thrive off of violence and gluttony. Taking every opportunity to rebel against, well, them. No one really knows who they are, nor do we bother to care anymore. There's only one priority for anyone who dwells in this sinful town. Escape. But its useless to resist. Every person to ever venture into the Badlands has never seen or heard from again. Some say it's the scorching sun that steals the life of anyone who dares to enter, others believe they are waiting out there, hoping that someone is brave enough to challenge the system. I wanted nothing more than to find out for myself what lies in desert wasteland that keeps us captive here. Don't question it,  I reminded myself. Those are the Badlands, we don't go there.

Knowing there was no way I could fall back asleep, I got up out of my bed and headed downstairs. A bluish haze filled the house, stinging my eyes, and the pungent aroma of liquor and cigars lingered in the air.

"Didn't know you had one up in your room, Hallen" One of the men sitting around the table smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"Shut it Calaway, " My brother Stone shot him a death glare, and the man laughed.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm Roman Calaway," He continued, leaning back in his chair and taking a drag off of his cigarette.

"Is there a pretty name to go along with that pretty face?" His eyes darkened with lust as he licked his lips, hoping he could get some reaction out of me. I raised an eyebrow and pursed my lips, ignoring the filthy gesture he had just made toward his friends. Before I had a chance to speak, my brother interrupted.

"That is my sister and she is going back upstairs,"  I could tell by the look on his face that he was growing more and more irritated, and he motioned for me to return to where I had come from. I rolled my eyes and brushed past him, making my way into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass, I poured some water and settled at the bar to see if I could catch a piece of their conversation.

"You didn't mention you had a sister," One of the boys muttered, taking a drink of his whiskey.

"Why does it matter, we've got bigger things to worry about here," Stone responded, trying to change the topic.

"What are you going to do with her, she's too weak to help us out."

"You can't just leave her here. The second we go, she would be fair game to anyone."  two of the guys high-fived each other.

"Stop it, alright!" Stone slammed his fist on the table, and everyone calmed down. "I don't know, I'll figure out something."

"I say she comes with us, I know a perfect way she could help out," Roman laughed.

"Whatever, just make it quick. I'm not gonna be stuck dragging around some weak ass bitch," A very attractive boy sighed, placing a cigarette between his perfect lips.

"Remember, business is business Hallen." Suddenly, the air conditioner began to sputter, drowning out whatever else they were saying. Angry with what I had heard, I placed my cup in the sink and went back into the room.

"I personally think that I should come along with you guys," I interrupted, letting them know I had heard everything. Roman smirked, and the blonde awkwardly coughed as I pulled up a chair and sat down.

"I mean, come on. If the so-called 'leader' would just take his head out of his ass and call the shots, we'd be out of here by now, " I motioned toward the brown headed boy.

"So change it up a bit"

The boy clenched his jaw and tightened his grip around his glass. This was too easy. But  judging by the look on Stone's face, it was going to take a hell of a lot of begging to convince him.

"Damn, I like this chick," The blonde one chuckled.

"I'm Kane Hoffman." He smiled, offering his hand I sat back and smiled, I wasn't about to be left here while they had a chance at freedom.

"I'm Walker Morris," The buff one said,"and that's Harvey Moreau." I smiled sweetly as Harvey's eyes bore holes into me. And to think he was slightly attractive, but it's a shame it couldn't hide his personality.

"What's your name," Roman grinned.

"Ophelia Hallen, but don't call me that, only Lia." I mumbled. The only person to ever call me by my full name was my mother, and I intended it to stay that way.


(948 words)


Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, but I'll try my hardest. Comment your thoughts:)

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