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Harvey's P.O.V

                    I looked over at food table where Lia could be seen filling packs. I don't have the slightest idea why I listened to Stone. It's just one more person I'd have to keep up with. She's more like a pet than a person. I thought to my self, breaking the seal on the medical tape for what seemed like the 1,000th time. I couldn't help but watch as she struggled to lift the bins, trying to come up with a good reason of why I shouldn't tell her to go home right now. Before you think I'm some cold-hearted prick, you have to understand where I'm coming from. I've been places and I've seen things that no person should ever have to see, and I'm not about to be responsible for something I could have prevented from happening.

"Everybody, come here." Wesley shouted from the center of the warehouse. We all put down our items and made our way over to him.

"I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have you all help out with this. I know some of you have been waiting to get out of here for a while," He motioned to what looked like a motorcycle gang.

"And I can't promise it'll be easy, but I can promise you won't be disappointed." Cheers rang out through the spacious warehouse, and for once everyone seemed hopeful.

"With that being said, you all can break for lunch in 15 minutes!" Everyone went their separated directions, but I stood still for a few moments

"Do you really trust this guy?" A small voice startled me from behind. I turned to find Lia fidgeting with her fingers nervously.

"Of course I do, Wesley was my best friend growing up, I trust him more than anyone. You know, it's easier to just believe that people actually know what they're doing, rather than flip out. I get it, not everyone is 'all-knowing' like you, but damn." I stood back waiting for some sort of expression to cross her face, but nothing happened.

"Oh okay, thanks Harvey," She said before walking off. I bit my tongue, feeling guilty for freaking out like that. I sighed to myself, and headed back over to my station to fill more first aid kits.

"So Ophelia,"

"Lia," I corrected

"Right, Lia. How is she?" Wesley raised his eyebrow and grinned.

"Oh fuck off" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just kidding," He laughed. "But seriously, what should I know?"

"I have no clue, I just met her three days ago." I shrugged

"Three days? And the Harv Man hasn't banged her yet? Wow Moreau, I'm impressed"

"For fucks sake, that was 2 years ago!" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Like that's changed anything," Wesley chuckled.

"I'm sure she still thinks about it," he said motioning over to Amanda

"Whatever," I brushed it off, not wanting to think about it.

"You know I'm just messing with you,"  Wesley punched me shoulder lightly.

"Besides, maybe she's good for you."

"I think get enough practice with my dog at home," I sighed

"Moreau, you know what I mean," He insisted.

"Don't have such a stick up your ass, and just go with it. If you don't, I will," He smirked and left to check on the other stations. I guess he has a point. I used to not care about anything in the world, and I still don't, but it's different now. The way I see it, If I don't let anything in, what's there to lose?


Hey my dudes:) Sorry this kind of a filler chapter, and idk where I'm going with this, but trust me, its gonna be good. I know this is so late, but school sucks and i have like zero free time. I might update again today if i feel like it. k bye:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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