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Sunday - July 17, 2073 (5:00 am)
I swear I had just shut my eyes when I felt a hand touch my arm and slightly shake me. I sighed with exhaustion and forced my eyelids open to reveal Stone who yawned and looked down at me.

"We have to get moving," he mumbled and walked over to the other boys who sat at the kitchen table drinking weak coffee. So this is really happening. I nodded to myself to as if I was answering back to my own thoughts. It took everything thing in me to pull my exhausted body up off of the worn down couch, and join the guys. I sunk into a chair and leaned my head back trying to piece together everything that had gone down in the past 24 hours. A tired Harvey emerged from his room, his hair messy and eyes bloodshot. He trudged over to the old fridge and pulled out a few cans of what appeared to be energy drinks. He tossed them half heartedly at us. I immediately opened it and took a huge swig of the drink. The strong carbonation stung the back of my throat and I felt a small jolt of energy course through my body. It was exactly what I needed.

"Harvey, would it really hurt us if we stayed one more night? I mean look at us, we can barely keep our heads up," Kane
pointed at Walker who at fallen back asleep at the table.

"I understand you're all tired, I'm in the same boat. We have two very dangerous groups of people after us, and we can't afford to slow down. I'm really sorry guys," He hung his head and stared at his shoes.

"If you were really sorry, you wouldn't be such a prick and would actually care for once. You know i'm beginning to think this is all about saving your ass from people you chose to screw with in the first place. And you brought us into it because you didn't have the brain to figure it out by yourself" I snapped. I had finally said what we all were thinking. But I immediately bit my lip hard preparing for the worst to fly from his mouth, but nothing came out. He just walked to his room and came out with his bag and jacket. We took that as the signal, grabbed our things and headed out.

It wasn't even sunrise and the temperature of the city had already began to rise significantly. Harvey led us down a long stretch of side walk until we stopped in front of a small diner on the outskirts of town. We stepped inside and were greeted with the fresh aroma bacon and pancakes. Pushing past the mostly empty tables, we went to the back and found a booth in the corner.

" Hey there my name Caroline, but every one around here calls me Carrie" She greeted us with a thick southern accent and a smile that was way too over enthusiastic.

"Anyway I'ma gonna be takin' your order. So what can I start you fine boys with"

" We'll have 3 orange juices and 2 lemonades," Harvey replied as she smacked her pink bubble gum and jotted it down.

"Alrighty, well if you men need anything else, just give me a holler," she winked and strolled away. We all silently grabbed menus and picked out what we wanted, not wanting to risk saying something that would stir the pot.

"Hey Charles, did ya hear? One of thems 'rebellious' groups got shot down as they were crossing the fence" The man at the register yelled to someone a few tables away.

"Well damn them low-life, good for nothing, hoodlums! You'd think they'd have learned by now, but they just have to get their shot at it, Charles shot back. I gulped and glanced at the guys who all had hesitant looks on their faces. Suddenly this wasn't some game anymore. We were actually risking our live for a taste of something that hadn't been a part of society in ages.

"Now y'all don't pay any mind to those old farts," Carrie said placing down our drinks.

"They just like to rub people the wrong way sometimes. I know you guys have your wits about you, and wouldn't try and escape. Now what can I get y'all for breakfast?" We gave her our orders and after collecting our menus, she headed back to the kitchen.

"Is there even a slight chance that we can make it across?" Kane spoke up, finally putting an end to the unwanted silence.

"I mean if they couldn't even get to the mountains, how are we supposed to get there and across?" Referencing the new report still flashing on the TV.

" I know y'all don't have the answers you want, but you'll get them soon enough," Harvey tried to reassure us. Before we could get another word in edge wise, Carrie arrived with all of our dishes. I sat back and inhale the pleasant smell. I hadn't had a meal like think in months. We thanked Carrie for her kind service and before she left, Walker said he wanted to ask her a question.

"If there we a group of kids trying to escape this town, what advice would you give them?" We all wanted to hit him upside the head for almost giving us away.

"Well I don't reckon that's very smart, but if you're wanting to know, I'll tell you a little something." She lowered her voice so that the other people couldn't listen in. "I know there is a path that is one sure fire way to get through the mountains. It's about two miles east of Pike Peak. It used to be an old trading depot but it got boarded up after this city started going downhill. If you get through there you'll have enough time to get away from them, but you're not out of it yet. You gotta travel about three more miles and you'll come to a few motels on the way to the Metropolis. I'd advise that travelers stay at the Pink Motel, my older sister runs it. She got out a few years back. Now, she's got a man that stays there every night, and if you tell her I sent you, she'd introduce you to him. Once you—"

"Caroline Matthews, I suggest you get back to work" the old man hollered taking a drag of his cigar.

"Yes sir, I was giving them their check," She smiled politely and turned back to us.

"Well what do you guys care? You're probably not interested anyway. I'll let you enjoy your meals and i'll go get your check" She huffed and strolled away. We all looked at each other like we'd seen a ghost. She had just given us they key to this whole puzzle in under a minute. After scarfing down every last bite of food, she returned.

"Well if that's all, I'll be getting back to work. It was a pleasure to meet you folks," She winked, taking the dollar bills, and handing Stone the receipt. He flipped it over to see a note written in pink pen.

I know where y'all are headed. Now I don't think it's too hot of an idea, but I ain't gonna stop you. Follow these instructions and you'll be out in no time:)

1) Head straight for Pikes Peak, once you arrive, go directly 2 miles East. Find the old depot.

2) Wait til dark, helicopters scan the border around 10:00 pm, you'll have a ten minute break before they circle back around. Slip through quickly and quietly.

3) Stop for the night and camp. Awake early the next morning and head 3 miles north before it gets too hot.

4) Pink Motel - Josephine Matthews. Ask for Bo Sterling.

Tell Josie I'm thinking of her, and good luck!

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