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The first part of this is going to get a little bit violent, so just a warning:)


I looked at the guys and silently pleaded that they would somehow get us out of this situation; but they stayed quiet. Suddenly, Harvey pulled out a large stack of cash and slammed it onto the table.

"You've got the cash now let her go," He growled. Greed filled the man's eyes and he lunged toward the pile money, but Harvey stabbed his hand into the table with a knife. The man yelled in pain and I made a break for it, jumping off of his lap. Harvey grabbed the man by the collar and stared daggers into his eyes.

"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I promise that knife won't go into your hand next time." With that he shoved the man back into his chair, grabbed his bag, and walked off. We followed close behind and didn't stop until we were a good ways down the street.

"It's a bit of a hike, so keep up and don't stop for anything." He turned around and told us.

"We'll stay my place a few miles out, and leave early in the morning. We all nodded and made our way down the strip. I breathed in the humid air and let out a sigh of relief/frustration. Even the air in this city had an evil smell to it, if that was possible.  I contemplated what had just happened, and the thought hit me like a truck. I really was the problem. If I hadn't been with them, this would have never happened, and now I'm just something they have to keep up with. I wanted more than anything just to go back to the apartment and pretend like this never happened. The truth is, I always wanted to escape this prison, but I never had the guts to do anything about it. I was scared. It was something I never wanted to admit, but I had let it control me. I brushed the thought away and focused on what was now going to be the rest of my life.

We walked for what seemed like years until we came upon a large building. Harvey led us to the door and punched in some sort of code that let us inside. After multiple flights of stairs we came to his apartment and entered in. It was surprisingly neat for a guy. I had expected some beat down place with trash covering the floor, but everything was put away and organized. A crash came from the kitchen and a german shepherd ran to greet us. She trotted over to Harvey who bent down and scratched behind her ear. It was kind of funny to see such a serious guy have a bit of a soft spot. She sniffed her way over to me and I scratched behind her ears, trying to catch a glimpse of her collar: χєηα. Welcoming in Greek, very fitting, I laughed to myself. Exhausted, we all made our way into the living room and plopped on the couches. The room filled with uncomfortable silence, but no one dared to speak up.

"What were you thinking? You brought her inside, knowing it would put us in jeopardy." Harvey said in disbelief, not caring that I was still in the room.

"I'm sorry alright, I wasn't going to leave her outside with the chances of getting picked up.'' Stone replied sincerely.

"Sorry doesn't get you out of 8,000 dollars Hallan!" Harvey began to grow irritated.

"Do you honestly think we'd be here if Kane had told Monaco 'sorry' "

"If you hadn't gotten your head so far up your ass, we wouldn't have been in that place to begin with" Stone retorted.

"Oh you mother--"

"Enough! Both of you sit down," Walker yelled.

"I know your frustrated, trust me I am too. But nothing you can say or do will change the fact that we are now stuck together. Monaco's men are after us, so are they. So you can settle your differences some other time, but right now we have a long day ahead of us. I suggest you all go to bed before I go off." They all knew he was right, and that it wasn't worth fighting over. We all silently agreed and set up our beds for the night. Harvey walked over to the closet to grab pillows and blankets for everyone and I took that as my chance to say something to him.

"Harvey, I'm sorry I ever got involved with you." I paused looking for some reaction, but he said nothing.

"If I could do it over again, I would have stayed far way. Just know I'm really sorry," I held my breath hoping he'd give some response like ' Oh no problem, it's all good' but I knew that was a stretch. Instead he looked at me with an angry expression, shoved a blanket at me, and walked away. Wow, that hurt more than it should've. I stood there in shock for a few seconds then reluctantly flopped on the couch.

"I guess I deserved it huh" I said to Xena who decided to lay on the floor next to me. In that moment I wished with everything in me that my mom was here. She'd know what to say to make me feel better or help me find a way to make it up to the guys. But instead, I was all alone in this cold hearted city, with a bunch of people who hated me, and no place to run and hide. 


Two updates in one day/night!!! omg it took like 8000 years but i made it! Im really getting into this though, so expect another update in a few days. Okay thats all, i am hella tired, so goodnight:)

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