26: Checking Back In

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"So how was it?" Everyone asked Sangwoo the next week that they saw each other. "We saw you leave with that chick. So that's who you were looking for?"

"Nah, it wasn't. But honestly, she was a pretty good lay regardless." Sangwoo leaned back in the booth confidently.


"Details, man."

"So are you going out with her now?"

"Yeah, what's going on with you and Ji Eun?"

"Yes really. She had a tight little cunt and moaned like it was no one's business. She liked to do it doggy-style while I pulled her hair. Anything but shy honestly. Like I feel like she was going to wake up the whole neighborhood. Obnoxiously loud actually. So, no, we're not going out. I probably won't see her again." This was a lie, of course, but it gave him a reason for friends to not suspect him in her eventual murder. "Ji Eun and I are going to start practicing for the talent show, so you know how that goes."

"Dude, how are you so lucky?! Every girl at school practically throws themselves at your feet."

"Yeah, seriously, I don't get anywhere near the tail that you get. And I'm not ugly! I'm almost as fit as you, too! How do you do it?"

"Not ugly? My man, your face is a wreck." Sangwoo teased his pal. "Doesn't matter how fit you are, if your face looks like a meteor shower hit it."

"You're one cold-hearted bitch, Oh Sangwoo, you know it?"

"Yeah? Well at least I can get my dick wet every single night with the hottest pussy on campus." Sangwoo laughed and reveled in his achievement.

"Seriously. Even when I get randomly assigned partners in class, they're some creepy girl."

"I swear to God, whatever story you have, mine is worse."


"Do tell." Sangwoo smiled and leaned forward, placing his head in his hands.

"Creative writing, right? Same place I met Hien. So we're peer-editing our first paper and I shit you not, the girl who's paper I got is a legit psycho. Like first, I thought like 'damn, she's sexy as fuck, probably a terrible writer' but then she hands me this paper about a STALKER and like watching some guy jack off. Like full-on, creep level stalker. And like, it's really good. But like way too good. Like she never talks in class and she just seems like she's some person taking the class because she has to. But here I'm practically reading porn. I feel like I'm going to get arrested just reading the shit. Is that or is that not the creepiest thing you've heard? Who writes that shit for class. Like I want to call the police on her or something."

"In this paper, does she like watch the guy through cameras in his house?" Sangwoo narrowed his eyes. "Sounds creepy."

"Yeah! Not even like a normal stalking story! Like this girl has some twisted secret and who knows, maybe she's watching me in my sleep!"

"Dude, way too creepy."

"Tell the teacher or something. They've got to see it anyway."

"That is weird, but kind of... hot..."

"Man, you're a creep too though!"

"You know what's the worst part?"

"No, what?"

"I'm like 90% she's stalking me too."

"Why?" Sangwoo's eyes bored into the other man's.

"She's always at this cafe when we are."

"Right now?" Sangwoo's eyes widened.

"Dude. Third booth from the door."

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