55: Big Guns

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Sangwoo's face fell flat. This was highly irritating.

"Well, like you said," He swooped another big, fake smile on his face. "God gives you what you can handle! I'm sure I can handle her. Isn't that what dating is like anyway? Getting to know someone and adjusting your preferences for them?"

"Right... but our daughter just isn't like other women. She needs help. For example, in high school there was another boy who--"

"Please, sir." Sangwoo held his hand up. "I'd rather she tell me herself about any other men in her life."

"BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" You came out of the kitchen with you hands over your ears, ignoring your mother, who had a cheese plate in her hands.

"I was just saying that the doctor said he had an opening this evening and that I think we should go! This right here demonstrates exactly why I can tell that you're not in control!" She raised her voice at you as you sat down right next to Sangwoo with a sour look on your face.

"What and you too Dad? Did you give Sangwoo a talk about how crazy I am? It's not fair. I do one thing a little weird in the past and now I'm a total psycho." You leaned your head against Sangwoo's chest, purposefully irritating your parents, completely charming the man next to you.

"You're not crazy, but you're spiraling. And what this nice boy was telling me really just cemented that I think you need to reach out for help!" Your father grabbed some cheese and crackers as he tried to remain calm.

"I reach out to God all the time!" You groaned.

"God is not a doctor! He is not going to cure a mental illness!" He slammed his fist on the table suddenly. "When you say that, you're just proving our point further. You take everything several steps too far. I'm sorry to you, Sangwoo, that you're seeing this, but it's exactly what you're asking for if you insist on being in a relationship with her. She isn't stable right now and she needs help. If you actually think you love her and you believe in that bullshit about love at first sight then you should help us help her! She needs to go to the doctor."

"So he really is serious about marrying her?" Your mother turned to your father.

"I mean, I think so, but it sounded to me like she manipulated him into it. He said she sounded 'perfect for him', but that's just like her."

Sangwoo had no idea what to do. This was... This was weird. He was so not used to parents. Especially when he had really thought you were going to have religious fanatics as parents and not just slightly selfish parents who cared about the mental stability of their kid. That was... extra weird.

And you sensed it. You sensed the uncomfortable vibe in the room and you knew you had to break out the big guns or risk being absorbed by your parents or making Sangwoo lose interest in you.

"Wh-Wh-Why can't you b-b-b-b-both be happ-p-p-py for me-eeeeee!?" You began bawling suddenly, shocking everyone in the room.

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