Chapter 2: That's Not Me

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Chapter 2: That's Not Me

Lucy's POV:

I watched him walk away, I tried to hold in all the anger and negative thoughts.

He's not that bad though. Honestly, after i started talking to him, I kind of felt less furious.

I feel like I might be a bit weird, I mean, its not everyday you meet the guy whose family got my father killed. I don't know what my dad did to them, but I still hate them.

If Donald doesn't know what bionics are, it means he doesn't have any, which is perfect.

I'll be able to take him down easier.

My dad knew I was coming, he prepared bionics for me, and I learned to control them on my own.

I'm powerful, no doubt.

And these Davenports, will pay.

I walk home with my nails digging into my palms.

I'm furious for not following him like I had planned.

I stumble. I start feeling different.

I just don't know if I can do this though.

I'm not that kind of girl.

Today? That wasn't me. At all.

I honestly, haven't been like this my whole life.

I have never held a grudge.

And never have I thought of revenge.

I don't want to do this.

I want to be kind.

I want to help the world.

I felt my grip tighten on the cup I had.


"Lucy!" My mom runs in. "Did you break that cup?"

I look at my hand, glass has cut my palm and my fingers.

"Look what you did! Honey, you have to be careful!" She runs with the first aid kit.

She picks off any remaining glass.

"Does it hurt?" She asks.

I shake my head.

It actually did hurt.

A lot.

But I didn't tell her, because...

"It better not have hurt! You're strong. Now stop breaking all my cups! Last night you threw one!" She slaps me.

I nod quietly.

"Now, how did it go with the boy?" She asks in a sweet fake tone.


She sent me to do all that.

And the worst part is, she sometimes controls me.

"Perfect! Has he called you?" She demands to know.

"No... not yet." I decide to add more. "Maybe leaving that video was a bad idea..."

She glares at me.

"Are you implying that I have bad ideas?" She half yells.

Oh geez.

"No! That's not what I meant. At all. I'm sorry." I quickly try to defend myself.

She just rolls her eyes.

"Sure. Okay. Keep washing the dishes." She walks out.


I want everything to go back to normal.

Yeah, I do want my dad back. But, I don't want to have to torture an innocent family. I know that my father tried to kill them. And he killed Donald Davenport, Bree and Chase's father.

I really want things to turn out differently.

But how?

She controls my every move.




Oh that's my phone!

I take it out of my pocket.


"Uh... Lucy?"

"Donald?" I manage to say.

"Yeah... uhm do you think we could meet up soon? You have some explaining to do..."

Oh no...

I don't want my mom to control me. She wants him dead. She thinks he has bionics...

"Uhm... Yeah... sure..."

"Great. Uh... the park we met at? 2 hours?"

I look up at the clock, 4 p.m.

"Yeah sure. See you then." I say quickly.

"Okay, see ya."

I hang up.

What did I just do?

"Who was that, Lucy?" My mom yells.

"Donald." I regret saying it.

"What did he say?" I hear her running to the kitchen.

"We're meeting up in 2 hours..." I mutter.

She smiles evilly.

"Perfect. Do you think you can do this without me though? Brady has a school play." She frowns.

Brady. My little brother.

I totally forgot about his play.

But at least she won't be controlling me.

"Yeah! I can do this. Don't worry, mom." I blurt out.

I do not have a filter.

"Good. Now go get ready." She pushes me towards the door. "You better get him to like you."

But I don't want to.


Ooh plot twist! Lucy isn't really evil? Whaaat?

Haha, I promised to update by Tuesday and well... it's Tuesday lol.

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Updating in a couple days ❤

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