Chapter 14: The Real End

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                  3rd person POV:

        Bree felt herself start to crumble inside.

       'This is for the best.' She repeated over and over in her mind.

         Lucy's mother wakes up.

        By this time, Skyla and Alexa have untied Donald and they are about to super speed away.

        "Wait," Donald whispers. "We have to take Lucy with us."

        "Are you crazy!" Skyla yells, she lowers her voice. "She's against us!"

        "No, she's not." Donald whispers.

        "Fine." Alexa rolls her eyes.

         Lucy is on the corner, her eyes watering, she's scared of what will happen today.

          "Lucy," Donald rushes to her side. "Come, we have to get out of here."

          Lucy nods desperately.

         Alexa superspeeds Skyla out and everyone else stays.

        "I see your children are scared." Lucy's mother speaks.

       "They have nothing to do with this... Witch." Adam yells, his eyes glowing.

       "Be careful with what you do, I am not as stupid as you think. I chose this place because its filled with atomic bombs. You almost set them on when you activated your blast wave. You wouldn't want us to die, now would you?" She chuckled.

        "Nobody deserves to die, no matter what they have done." Chase speaks up, his true side showing.

        The Kranes start laughing.

        "Weak, aren't we?" One speaks, "You need to stop caring about other people, and start thinking about yourself."

        "Oh, is that what you've been doing? It sure seems like i shouldn't go there, look what it did to you." Julianna says through gritted teeth.

        "That's it. I don't know who you are, but you seem to think that you're in this business." Lucy's mother prepares a fireball. "Let me show you what you got yourself into."

        She throws a fireball and Bree super speeds Adam and Chase away.        

        "Seriously?" Adam shoots lasers towards them.

        It stuns one of them, but it causes no damage.


       Meanwhile, Lucy, Donald, Alexa, and Skyla have disappeared outside.

        "They're fighting now." Skyla informs, using her bionic hearing.

        "It's dangerous in there!"  Lucy gasps. "They can activate the explosives."

        Donald reaches over and hugs her, his mind all over the place, he couldn't complrehend what was going on. 'Why is this happening?' he repeated to himself.


       "You won't get away with this!" Bree yelled as she avoided constant fireballs.

        "We already have." Lucy's mother yelled in satisfaction. "You may have gotten the kids out of here, but you aren't safe."

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